I wiped the server clean and started over again today.  In the process, I
realized that, the previous time, I forgot to uncomment the Domain line in
/etc/idmapd.conf.  However, even though I included the step this time, the
GUI installer still seems to hang on the final "Creating system VMs" step.
 I see two VMs running when I run "virsh list" (the secondary storage VM
keeps getting regenerated).  In the primary storage, it looks like there is
one complete 693 MB image but the other two are only 11 and 12 MB, although
they are gradually growing.  What's happening here?

[root@virthost1 ~]# ls -hl /var/primary/
total 715M
-rwxr--r--. 1 nobody nobody  11M May  8 09:55
-rwxr--r--. 1 nobody nobody  12M May  8 09:55
-rwxr--r--. 1 nobody nobody 693M May  8 09:16

The management server log keeps reporting that "There is no secondary
storage VM for secondary storage host nfs://"
 Here is a larger section of logs:

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Ian Young <iyo...@ratespecial.com> wrote:

> I noticed that in Home > Infrastructure > Zones > Zone1, Resources tab,
> the Secondary Storage says "Allocated 0.00 KB / 0.00 KB".  However, the
> secondary storage NFS mount is listed in Home > Infrastructure > Secondary
> Storage and the URL is correct.  Does this mean the secondary storage is
> unreachable?
> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Ian Young <iyo...@ratespecial.com> wrote:
>> I reinstalled my single server CloudStack system yesterday, following the
>> quick start guide precisely.  The only difference was that I used
>> /var/primary and /var/secondary instead of /primary and /secondary, because
>> the /var partition on this machine is very large.  The UI installer reached
>> the point where it says "Creating system VMs (this may take a while)" but
>> never finished.  I left it overnight and it still hadn't completed.  This
>> is typically the step that fails, most of the times I've installed
>> CloudStack, so I imagine I must be making the same fundamental mistake each
>> time, and I'd like to know what that is.
>> I checked management.log and it's in a loop where it creates a secondary
>> storage VM, fails to start it, destroys it, and tries again.  It says Host
>> 1 is unreachable but I'm using the correct password, SELinux is permissive,
>> and all the iptables rules are in place.  In what way is it trying to
>> connect to Host 1?  SSH?  NFS?  Here's a log excerpt of messages related to
>> the SSVM:
>> http://pastebin.com/X11A51bh
>> NFS appears to be functional, since CloudStack automatically mounted the
>> primary storage.
>> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>> /dev/sda3              20G  1.8G   17G  10% /
>> tmpfs                  32G     0   32G   0% /dev/shm
>> /dev/sda1             194M   42M  143M  23% /boot
>> /dev/sda4             1.8T  1.9G  1.7T   1% /var
>>                       1.8T  1.9G  1.7T   1%
>> /mnt/0594caa2-ceb4-36c6-9b13-0ff149a130af
>> How can I identify whatever it is that's preventing the SSVM from
>> starting?  Here is another log excerpt, without any filtering:
>> http://pastebin.com/XsPGJQik

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