
Which version of CloudStack are you on?
Also, what does the config "console proxy.url.domain" refer to?


On 5/14/14 5:41 PM, "Ian Young" <iyo...@ratespecial.com> wrote:

>I decided to create my own internal realhostip.com.  My DNS servers use
>PowerDNS, not BIND, so the $GENERATE directive was not an option and I
>didn't want to have to populate my DNS servers' databases with a record
>every possible IP address.  Fortunately, I found the following Lua script:
>I can confirm the Lua script works as expected and my CloudStack server
>be tricked into believing my internal DNS servers are the authority for
>[root@virthost1 ]# dig +short 1-2-3-4.realhostip.com
>I followed this guide and updated the console proxy/SSVM SSL certificate
>with my own *.realhostip.com certificate.
>The console proxy restarted but it's still blank when I try to view the
>console.  Does the domain have to be something other than realhostip.com?

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