Very infomitive explination, thanks for taking the time.  We use VMAX and VNX 
storage with FAST-CACHE/FASTVP, I would almost rather burn the storage on the 
vmware VM's for full clones after reading your explination and let the lighter 
loaded vm's use KVM or XEN which seem to behave in a similar manner.  I would 
hate to loose a whole set of enterprise servers over a single mishap with the 
snapshot chain.  There is also the issue of resizing the ROOT disk which does 
not seem to be possible with linked clones, (understandably so).  It will be 
nice when root disk resizing is implemented in CS rather than changing the disk 
in vmware and manually updating the DB. 

Thanks Again, 

Steve Searles

-----Original Message-----
From: ilya musayev [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 2:18 AM
Subject: Re: Vmware Full Clones vs Linked Clones

This topic comes up many times, it all depends what backend storage, number of 
spindles, workload type and SLAs during issues.

Linked Clones


VM comes up online within 1 minute or less (2 minutes if you are running slower 
backend storage) You are saving on diskspace, if the rate of change on ROOT is 
small and data does NOT reside on ROOT volume If you storage uses FAST 
technology and moves frequently accessed data blocks to something like SSD, 
initial boot up time improves greatly

You are leveraging VmWare Snapshot technology and changes are written in the 
form of deltas, which means if you create a 5GB file and delete it, your vmdk 
delta file will still be 5GB in size and will most likely only grow, Corruption 
to a parent vmdk on the primary datastore will impact other VMs that are 
dependent on it - hence reliable storage is needed.
Perfomance may degrade overtime if rate of change is high - also pending your 
storage backend Snapshotting (using vmware snapshot feature), will work, but if 
you have a complex snapshot three and some delta vmdk under this tree get 
corrupted, you may loose your data (until good working state) - this issue 
applies to snapshots in general

Full Clones:

Gets your independent disks with no delta complexity, at the expense of extra 
storage and some IO if you dont have FAST technology enabled.
Corruption to a vmdk file, affects only 1 VM.
If the VM has heavy read and write IO, you should consider running it as full 
clone as you will avoid delta complexity.

There are probably more reasons, just cant think of them now,


On 6/11/14, 7:42 AM, Steve Searles wrote:
> Can someone speak about using Linked Clones vs Full Clones in a production CS 
> environment?  What is the performance impact on the parent virtual machine? 
> What type of density can be expected if all the child vm's are performing 
> read operations from the same snapshot of the parent VM? What are the dangers 
> of using linked clones in this manner? What are the best practices from the 
> CS community?
> Steve Searles

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