
You can either use the API directly (look at extractVolume) or through 
This is how I would use Cloudmonkey to retrieve a volume:

"extract volume id=fe81e6ff-a08f-4601-b2b3-2e02ce2b6588 
zoneid=19345de0-b40b-4cfa-83b6-6d821367afa8 mode=HTTP_DOWNLOAD" which will 

accountid = 2c4c9cd2-ab73-11e3-b654-9660573836d5
cmd = org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.volume.ExtractVolumeCmd
created = 2014-06-13T11:24:24+0100
jobid = 69e6bf53-ab95-44ab-8efc-2f436dba9ecc
jobprocstatus = 0
name = ROOT-7
id = fe81e6ff-a08f-4601-b2b3-2e02ce2b6588
accountid = 2c4c9cd2-ab73-11e3-b654-9660573836d5
extractMode = HTTP_DOWNLOAD
url = 
zoneid = 19345de0-b40b-4cfa-83b6-6d821367afa8
zonename = advsg
jobresultcode = 0
jobresulttype = object
jobstatus = 1
userid = 2c4cc626-ab73-11e3-b654-9660573836d5

It's the URL field that you are interested in, you can retrieve that freely. I 
do not know if there is an expiry time for it, there might be.
You can extract templates, snapshots of the volumes of stopped VMs.


Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


----- Original Message -----
From: "chris" <cdca...@gmail.com>
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Sent: Friday, 13 June, 2014 12:19:47 AM
Subject: Possible to upload/download a VM?

I'm trying to figure out a way to programmatically upload and download VM
images, and I haven't yet found anything in the docs or playing around in
the UI that jumps out at me.

To download from OpenStack, the story I would follow is
1) Snapshot a VM. This would create an image (or set of images) that I
could easily download from glance (the image storage service)
2) Download the resulting image(s).

Uploading is just as straightforward:
1) Upload to glance
2) Create an instance.

I can see from what I've looked at so far that CloudStack does things a bit
differently. Is there a path to what I want to accomplish? Templates &
Volumes don't look to have quite what I want, but I could be wrong. Looking
at the UI, I couldn't even figure out how to upload local files, only files
being served up via HTTP or FTP.

I'm currently using the .NET SDK and CloudStack 4.2.1. I've got to say, as
SDKs go, this one has been pretty great to work with. I'm just stumped by
this task.


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