
We have both standalone XS and ACS. Off the top of my head, the best few 
reasons to use ACS:
- user management and resource limit enforcement as well as tracking (eg we 
always seem to "lose"/misplace IPs with standalone HVs) and statistics
- HV agnostic (almost), we use XS and KVM
- network management
- virtual router more advanced features (VPN, load balancer etc)
- powerful API that can be used to automate stuff dramatically

With just XS the biggest PITA is tracking and setting network related info. 
With ACS I just give it a few IP and VLAN ranges and tell it to just use them.
Additionally, ACS has the concept of (resource limited) "projects" which 
multiple users can participate in. Not to mention additional goodies like 
cloud-init which can help with automation quite a bit (ie running user scripts 
at boot, setting SSH keys, root passwords etc).

It will change the way you work and once you get it off the ground and running, 
it will save you significant time and stress.

BUT, before you start using ACS in production: TEST, TEST, TEST! I can't stress 
this enough. 
IMHO cloud is hard, the software is big and complex and there are rough edges 
here and there, so take your time, get to know it; to know its weaknesses and 
strengths and use them appropriately.


Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ian Marshall" <i...@itlhosting.co.uk>
> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
> Sent: Sunday, 29 June, 2014 12:33:28 PM
> Subject: experience's and issues with setting up cloudstack 4.3 and xenserver 
> 6.2
> Hi All
> Openstack is now dumped as the preferred route to a private cloud solution.
> Due to the issues with getting that installed, I need to get buy-in to
> consider redeployment using Cloudstack.
> We have got xenserver 6.2 running with EQLX as shared storage, so no issues
> with these.
> What I am struggling with is being able to list the benefits of CS over
> just XS deployment. So if anyone has migrated from XS to CS due to
> restrictions, plase advise what these were.
> We need to be able to deploy across multiple sites and isolate 'projects'
> and future expectations is SaaS/PaaS requirements as we diversify our
> product ranges.
> Regards
> Ian

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