On Jun 30, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Vladimir Melnik <v.mel...@uplink.ua> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> If you administrating CloudStack installations, you may find it useful.
> If you love Perl5, you may consider it interesting.
> I'm developing a library and some set of tools for managing
> CloudStack-based infrastructure from the command line. It's going to
> become a smart system for doing lots of administrative tasks, so it's
> only the beginning for now. :-)
> But what we have at the moment?
> As about tools, we can do such things from UNIX-shell...
> For example, let's assume you want to check state of the VM having
> a certain IP-address AND being a member of a certain domain:
> admin> mm_vm_info has_ipaddress= has_domain=A201306
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <listvirtualmachinesresponse>
>  <virtualmachine>
>    <id>99b885d4-70d7-4efc-8a4e-53417893fb19</id>
>    <name>99b885d4-70d7-4efc-8a4e-53417893fb19</name>
> [...]
> Or, if you want to, you can get certain parameters of this output:
> admin> mm_vm_info has_ipaddress= has_domain=A201306 \
>       -x //state -x //hostname -x //instancename
> <state>Running</state>
> <hostname>h2.c1.p1.z1.tucha13.net</hostname>
> <instancename>i-51-135-VM</instancename>
> You can reset the VM found by your desired criterias:
> admin> mm_vm_reset has_instancename=i-13-666-VM
> Want to listen to someone's network interface? No problem.
> admin> mm_vm_tcpdump has_ipaddress=
> tcpdump: WARNING: vnet17: no IPv4 address assigned
> tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
> listening on vnet17, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
> 15:21:01.845886 IP > Flags [S], seq 
> 316746440, win 14600, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 1959872931 ecr 
> 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
> 15:21:01.846023 IP > Flags [S.], seq 
> 2234071684, ack 316746441, win 14480, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 
> 2579908884 ecr 1959872931,nop,wscale 6], length 0

Very nice :) 

> ^^^ The script have found the hostname and the instance name, logged
> into the host, analyzed output of "virsh dumpxml ...", found the
> interface's name (vnet17) and launched tcpdump.
> And you can use all these things not only from the command-line, as you
> can use the object oriented library using all these things from your own
> Perl5 scripts.
> Let's assume you want to find and load all the information about some
> domain:
>            my $domain = eval { MonkeyMan::CloudStack::Elements::Domain->new(
>                mm          => $mm,
>                load_dom    => {
>                    conditions  => {
>                        path        => 'ROOT/CUSTOMERS/ZALOOPA'
>                    }
>                }
>            )};
>            if($@) { $log->warn("Can't 
> MonkeyMan::CloudStack::Elements::Domain->new(): $@"); next; }
> Voila, now you have the corresponding object's reference in the $domain
> variable. You can do some easy tricks with that domain. It's pretty easy
> to get any parameter:
>            my $domain_id = $domain->get_parameter('id');
>            unless(defined($domain_id)) {
>                $log->warn("Can't get the ID of the domain" .
>                    ($domain->has_error ? (": " . $domain->error_message) : 
> undef)
>                );
>                next;
>            }
> What if you want to get all volumes belongs to this domain? It's easy:
>            my $volumz = $domain->find_related_to_me("volume");
>           $log->logdie($domain->error_message) unless defined($volumz);
> No kidding, you have the reference to the list of XML::LibXML documents
> who have the <domainid> parameter corresponding to this domain. You can
> easily initialize them as objects to do other cool things with these
> volumes:
>            foreach my $volume_dom (@{ $volumz }) {
>                my $volume = eval { 
> MonkeyMan::CloudStack::Elements::Volume->new(
>                    mm          => $mm,
>                    load_dom    => {
>                         dom        => $volume_dom   # the XML document
>                    }
>                ); };
>                if($@) { $log->warn("Can't 
> MonkeyMan::CloudStack::Elements::Volume->new(): $@"); next; }
> Oh, well, too much words... :-)
> Would you like to use it? You're strongly welcome:
>       https://github.com/melnik13/monkeyman/
> Would you like to develop it with me? Feel free to drop me a line.

you might want to forward this mail to the dev list.

> A great week to you all!

Awesome work, thanks for sharing

> -- 
> V.Melnik

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