Hi Harikrishna,
Using the newest 4.4 template published on Jenkins 11th of August, console vm 
pauses on creation, and site2site vpn does not establish, please find the 
following log

(secstorage-1:ctx-e286a12e) Exception while trying to start secondary storage vm
java.lang.RuntimeException: Job failed due to exception Resource [Host:1] is 
unreachable: Host 1: Unable to start instance due to Unable to acquire lock on 
VMTemplateStoragePool: 1
2014-08-12 15:40:23,424 INFO  [o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl] 
(secstorage-1:ctx-e286a12e) Unable to start secondary storage vm for standby 
capacity, secStorageVm vm Id : 1, will 

recycle it and start a new one
2014-08-12 15:40:23,516 WARN  [c.c.u.d.Merovingian2] 
(secstorage-1:ctx-a2a2ee4c) Was unable to find lock for the key vm_instance1 
and thread id 1337390742

Unable to start secondary storage vm for standby capacity, secStorageVm vm Id : 
1, will recycle it and start a new one

2014-08-12 16:19:54,294 WARN  [c.c.a.d.ParamGenericValidationWorker] 
(catalina-exec-12:ctx-db2ae77e ctx-c67a1655) Received unknown parameters for 
command listNetworks. Unknown parameters 

: details
2014-08-12 16:20:16,077 ERROR [c.c.u.s.SshHelper] (DirectAgent-62:ctx-2c9a8866) 
SSH execution of command /opt/cloud/bin/router_proxy.sh ipsectunnel.sh -A -l -n -g -r -N -e "aes128-sha1" -i 
"aes128-sha1;modp1024" -t 86400 -T 3600 -s "aminsamir" -d 1 has an error status 
code in return. result 

output:     inet brd scope global eth1
2014-08-12 16:20:16,248 WARN  [o.a.c.a.c.u.v.CreateVpnConnectionCmd] 
(API-Job-Executor-20:ctx-79acdf9f job-103 ctx-ac82ecba) Exception:
com.cloud.exception.ResourceUnavailableException: Resource 
[Site2SiteVpnConnection:1] is unreachable: Failed to apply site-to-site VPN
2014-08-12 16:20:16,250 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] 
(API-Job-Executor-20:ctx-79acdf9f job-103) Complete async job-103, jobStatus: 
FAILED, resultCode: 530, result: 

 [Site2SiteVpnConnection:1] is unreachable: Failed to apply site-to-site 


Kind Regards
-----Original Message-----
From: Harikrishna Patnala [mailto:harikrishna.patn...@citrix.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 12 August 2014 12:59 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: unable to create VM in ACS 4.4 hypervisor XenServer


You are trying to deploy a FreeBSD 10 instance right !
Try following the steps mentioned in the blog 

I think you are using the 
 to deploy VM.
Please give a try using 


On 11-Aug-2014, at 8:28 pm, motty cruz 
<motty.c...@gmail.com<mailto:motty.c...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Erik,
the attached file is my log,

virtual router started, I can ping anywhere from virtual router; System VMs are 
up as well, except I can't build any instances.

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 3:44 AM, Erik Weber 
<terbol...@gmail.com<mailto:terbol...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Yes, paste your log :-)

9. aug. 2014 00:25 skrev "motty cruz" 
<motty.c...@gmail.com<mailto:motty.c...@gmail.com>> følgende:

> Hello All,
> I am having the issue "Job failed due to exception Unable to create a 
> deployment for VM[User]i-2-18-VM]" it was able to create router but not VM.
> Systems VMs are up,
> any suggestions?
> Thanks,


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