
At previous cloudstack collaboration conference in Denver, Alena from Citrix did a talk about how to replicate content across 2 cloudstacks in different datacenters using APIs. While its not exactly import and export, it is in the same category.


On 8/12/14, 12:11 PM, Andrei Mikhailovsky wrote:
Hello guys,

I thought to share some ideas on migrating the cloud environment from one build 
to another. Let's say you have a cloudstack build with a bunch of domains, 
users, guest vms and networks and you would like to replicate or move it across 
to a different setup (It may be a different physical location with different 
network setup, etc.).

At the moment, there is no way of doing this. There is not even a function to 
reliably export a vm with all of it's volumes and networking settings. Would it 
not be a great feature to have in ACS - a backup/restore or export/import like 
functionality which is built in to almost every single commercial software 
nowadays. The use cases for this are limitless (from a simple recovery of the 
broken ACS install/database to replication of dev/test/qa/production 
environments). It would be even more useful if one could choose which hierarchy 
within ACS to migrate/export/backup. Like account/domain/project/root level 
backup and restore. The function should go over the existing setup and 
accumulate all settings required in producing the identical setup elsewhere. 
This would include not only the guest vms and the attached volumes, but also, 
the networking setup, access rights, qos settings, snapshots, etc.

The end result should be something like a folder with exported data that one 
could simply point his/her newly created ACS setup and say - Import this cloud 
setup please.

Should ACS has this functionality or is it too complicated and too much to ask?

Thanks for your thoughts


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