Hi Pierre-Luc,

I decided to have a look at this evening.

I was successfully able to go cloudstack -> rabbitmq -> logstash ->

I created a new spring-context within:


called: spring-event-bus-context.xml

contents: https://gist.github.com/imduffy15/234c6b5fdde57a8910b0

I configured logstash to create a queue and bind it to my cloudstack-event

input {

  rabbitmq {

    host => "localhost"

    queue => "cloudstack-queue"

    exchange => "cloudstack-events"

    key => "*.*.*.*.*"

    exclusive => true



output {

    elasticsearch { host => localhost protocol => 'http' }


On 16 August 2014 18:19, Ian Duffy <i...@ianduffy.ie> wrote:

> Hi Pierre-Luc
> Have you seen the post by Chip? He details how to publish events to
> RabbitMQ:
> http://www.chipchilders.com/blog/2013/7/16/tapping-into-apache-cloudstack-events-via-amqp.html
> The logstash docs then discuss getting the data from rabbitmq:
> http://logstash.net/docs/1.3.2/inputs/rabbitmq
> Never tried it but looks straight forward.
> On 16 August 2014 15:36, Pierre-Luc Dion <pd...@cloudops.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone tried to push CloudStack Event logs into logstash or graylog2
>> via rabbitmq ?
>> I've found nothing about this so far.
>> Thanks
>> *Pierre-Luc DION*
>> Architecte de Solution Cloud | Cloud Solutions Architect
>> t 855.652.5683
>> *CloudOps* Votre partenaire infonuagique* | *Cloud Solutions Experts
>> 420 rue Guy *|* Montreal *|* Quebec *|* H3J 1S6
>> w cloudops.com *|* tw @CloudOps_

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