Hi Guys,

I have a VM which is on a standalone XenServer hypervisor.

I want to bring this VM into cloudstack.

I have tried exporting the VM to a .ova file, converting that to a VHD file and 
It imported fine as a template, but upon trying to deploy that VM, I get a 
'failed to deploy' error.

On examining the logs, I see the following error...

INFO  [c.c.h.x.r.CitrixResourceBase] (DirectAgent-272:ctx-c6aa3885) VM does not 
exist on XenServer012ffb72-a098-41c8-8df4-e5682e074c38
ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy] (Work-Job-Executor-152:job-836/job-837 
ctx-6951591f) Invocation exception, caused by: 
com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException: Unable to create a 
deployment for VM[User|i-4-84-VM]Scope=interface com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; id=1

XenServerXXX is the naming convention of our old xenservers that were migrating 
away from... not sure how this info has ended up being in the cloud logs.

Anyway, ignoring the error, my actual question is this: what is the easiest / 
most simple way to import existing VMs from a XenServer hypervisor into 

I have accomplished this previously by messing around setting up NFS shares 
etc, but I wondered what the tried and tested method would be rather than a 
bodge it and hope it works method!



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