
Do you have errors further up in the log that could explain why the
Virtual Router didnĀ¹t start?


On 9/14/14, 11:06 PM, "Vibranze Teh" <> wrote:

>Dear lists,
>I tried to create a VM but it failed to create then I tried to start
>another VM; it failed to start as well. I tried to start the VM later and
>it successfully started.
>I found that the VM failed to start as the Vr associated with the network
>could not be started but not sure if that's the real root cause.
>2014-07-11 10:41:23,688 DEBUG
>(Job-Executor-85:job-23491) Starting router VM[DomainRouter|r-1701-VM]
>2014-07-11 10:41:23,696 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
>(Job-Executor-85:job-23491) Unable to transition into Starting state due
>Unable to transition to a new state from Starting via StartRequested
>2014-07-11 10:41:23,706 INFO
>(Job-Executor-85:job-23491) Failed to start router VM r-1701-VM
>2014-07-11 10:41:23,706 INFO [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
>(Job-Executor-85:job-23491) Unable to contact resource.
> Resource [DataCenter:1]
>is unreachable: Can't find at least one running router!
>This issue only happened once.
>Any ideas or inputs are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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