I am trying to deploy DevCloud following the Cloudstack Developers Guide
documentation. But I got stuck with following error:

*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File "../marvin/marvin/deployDataCenter.py", line 572, in <module>*
*    deploy.deploy()*
*  File "../marvin/marvin/deployDataCenter.py", line 556, in deploy*
*    self.createZones(self.config.zones)*
*  File "../marvin/marvin/deployDataCenter.py", line 418, in createZones*
*    self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId, networkid)*
*  File "../marvin/marvin/deployDataCenter.py", line 142, in createPods*
*    vmwareDc=pod.vmwaredc)*
*  File "../marvin/marvin/deployDataCenter.py", line 87, in createClusters*
*    cluster.hypervisor)*
*  File "../marvin/marvin/deployDataCenter.py", line 53, in addHosts*
*    self.apiClient.addHost(hostcmd)*
*  File
line 1417, in addHost*
*    response = self.connection.marvinRequest(command,
response_type=response, method=method)*
*  File
line 272, in marvinRequest*
*    response = jsonHelper.getResultObj(response.json(), response_type)*
*  File
"/home/deepal/projects/cloudstack/tools/marvin/marvin/jsonHelper.py", line
148, in getResultObj*
*    raise cloudstackException.cloudstackAPIException(respname, errMsg)*
*cloudstackException.cloudstackAPIException: Execute cmd: addhost failed,
due to: errorCode: 530, errorText:Unable to add the host*

What causes this issue? Any idea how to resolve this? I have a working
connection from my cloudstack MS and the devcloud VM and I have configured
the network and IP as the documentation describes.

Thank you.

[image: photo]
*Deepal Jayasekara*
Undergraduate, Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
| mobile: +94712070097  | blog: *insiderattack.blogspot.com
<https://www.facebook.com/deepal.cse10>  <https://twitter.com/dpjayasekara>

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