Hi everyone,


I'd like to set up a new cloud cluster using CS platform. I do have a few
questions though if you don't mind.


1.       Marketing "cloud hosting", "cloud vps" or "cloud dedicated servers"
is essentially the same thing correct, except the typical CPU/disk
allowance? Is that correct?

2.       Is there such a general difference between a cloud vps or cloud
dedicated here? My understanding is, there isn't but want clarification. For
example, if I have a few old rackmount servers, can I throw this into the
cloud cluster? If so, how is it that the cloud would use CPU/RAM from one
box and the customer data on a separate storage box? This confuses me.


For initial hardware, I have the following in mind. Please tell me if this
looks reasonable to offer cloud hosting, cloud vps. I'm going off the
small-scale deployment sample


If I understand correctly, there are generally 3 boxes (aside core

1.       Management console that has CS installed

2.       Storage server

3.       CPU/RAM server


Is this correct? I won't be using VMWARE either but would like to offer
typical shared hosting with cPanel, reseller hosting with cPanel/WHM, VPS
options (Xen, KVM, OpenVZ) and dedicated servers if viable with CS.


My initial intended deployment:


CS Management Server 

-          Quad Core Xeon, 8GB RAM, RAID SSD drives for redundancy (approx.

-          Centos 7 64bit (if this isn't supported yet, 6.5v)

Storage Server

-          Document says NFS, but is FreeNAS storage server ok?

-          2x Quad Core Xeon, 16GB RAM, RAID 10 drives (preferably 5 + 5 or
maybe just 2 + 2 to start)

-          should a storage server require SSD for optimal performance or is
this overkill?

Computing Nodes

-          I assume this is where all the CPU/Memory comes from? If so,

-          32GB RAM

-          2x Hexacore Xeons w/ Turbo

-          anything else?


Sorry for the long list. Just want to make sure I have a full understanding
before tackling this setup. Thanks.




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