Might be of interest. Its angular and bootstrap. Wouldn't considered it
polished it also uses a proxy interface over the cloudstack api.

The guys over at sungard built there own
Cloud UI: Building a CloudStack Web Interface for…:

As did the guys over at (sign up for a free account to see it)
On 20 Dec 2014 20:10, "Tim Mackey" <> wrote:

> Aldis,
> While I don't know if organizations are out there with replacement UIs you
> can buy, I do know that the UI is rather customizable.
> If you're just looking for some reskinning of what we have, there is the
> If you want to see something more advanced look at what SunGuard presented
> earlier this year:
> for inspiration.
> Of course, since the UI really doesn't do much more than provide an
> interface over the API, you're free to implement whatever you want and make
> appropriate API calls based on your unique needs:
> Lastly, if you're a UI developer/designer, we welcome the contributions
> from everyone, so you could always make a proposal to the development list
> for UI changes.  (
> -tim
> On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 6:57 AM, Aldis Gerhards <> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Does anyone know where is it possible to BUY/ORDER Cloudstack Web
>> interface CSS which is more modern and Bootstrap 3.0 compatible.
>> In my opinion default Cloudstack Web UI is old school allready and should
>> be redesigned.
>> Looking forward to hear from you guys :)
>> Ar cieņu,
>> *Aldis Gerhards*
>> valdes loceklis
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