First of all congratulations on your appointment.  It is ample recognition
for your work at the project.  I'm delighted with the passion in this
piece.  I for one think you're on the right path.  It is frustrating to
note that everyone who's sat at this table has gotten up filled and content
yet when one looks at the internet there's so little on Cloudstack.  Kind
of reminds me of Novell, good products but poor visibility.  I've followed
with interest the latest developments in infrastructure ala Docker,
kubernetes and CoreOS and every time Cloudstack is last to be served,
thanks to efforts from yourself and other colleagues whose passion for the
project makes you go the extra mile to bring these into the Cloudstack

The experience of being last to the table is set to change with this well
thought out plan.  I hope the community will take this in their stride so
that Cloudstack will bring cloud enthusiast salivating to dine at.  Let the
UX gurus come out with a UI that will make ACS stand out and friends with
Kubernetes and CoreOS experience factor in some goodies to help ACS take
the next logical step away from IaaS.  As for configuration management
there have been really good work done by the community but as Seb says, it
all needs to be tied into the ecosystem to make them an integral part of
ACS.  The product is already easy enough to deploy and use but I think
these tools could make it even easier to manage.

Kudos Seb.


On 23 March 2015 at 16:15, Sebastien Goasguen <> wrote:

> Dear members of the CloudStack community,
> Last week the Apache Software Foundation board unanimously voted a
> resolution to make me the new VP of Apache CloudStack. This came after a
> unanimous vote of the CloudStack PMC and is regular process of our
> community as described in our bylaws.
> I am excited to take on this new role after two amazing VP (Chip and Hugo)
> since CloudStack came to the ASF. Many thanks to them and especially Hugo
> for the work he has done in the past year.
> The ASF is setup so that the governance of a project really belongs to the
> community itself. CloudStack is what we all make it to be, we all have
> equal footing when time comes to develop the code, create events, take
> decisions and so on. As VP I do not have a special say in our direction.
> This governance model is in stark contrast with other open source project
> that follow more of a benevolent dictator model. I mention this as a bit of
> disclaimer and to re-enforce the fact that while I have views about what we
> should do, they are my personal views and that they do not represent any
> sorts of official roadmaps, and that anyone is welcome to disagree :)
> In Budapest, we had a great conference. Chip and I showed several
> CloudStack use cases. Our user base is strong with over 300 production
> deployments. Our community is large and diverse with 2000 people on the
> mailing lists, but we need to keep advocating for CloudStack, make it an
> even greater software and grow our community. At the very least this helps
> us learn from each other, better our own skills and our employers IT
> infrastructure. At the very best AWS switches to CloudStack :)
> So here are some food for thoughts that will hopefully excite you, want to
> get engage, talk about CloudStack and bring on board your friends:
> On the code:
> -----------------
> - Keep improving quality, remove dead code, cleanup JIRA, cleanup Review
> Board
> We have successfully moved to GitHub pull requests, we should stop using RB
> - Simplify the dev process and adopt a new committing system to avoid
> regressions at all costs.
> We have talked about this for a long time but have failed had doing
> something concrete. It is time.
> - Remove the AWSAPI (there is a branch without it right now), we should
> merge it in master
> I am going to push for IP clearance of ec2stack and gstack to get them
> under ASF governance.
> - Several Cloud Providers have unveiled new CloudStack UI, maybe it’s time
> we do the same.
> - Solidify the testing infrastructure, keep Jenkins builds running
> - Brainstorm on the future of CloudStack and IaaS in general. What should
> CloudStack be in 10 years ?
> While CloudStack is what it is now, nothing prevents us to re-architect,
> re-think, re-code it within the current framework.
> - Finally, package the mgt server and the KVM agent as Docker containers
> Docker is a great portability mechanism. We should embrace Docker as a
> packaging tool (first) and provide container images for our mgt server (at
> a minimum).
> This could become a type of release artifact that could be easily
> continuously built.
> On the ecosystem:
> -------------------------
> We have a really strong ecosystem. From configuration management tools,
> API wrappers, PaaS plugins etc.
> We need to feature our ecosystem clearly on our website, support it and
> keep on growing it as new technologies emerge.
> Things that come to mind:
> - Push to get our Ansible module into the Ansible core
> - Publish “official” chef recipes to deploy CloudStack
> - Identify and publish “official” Puppet recipes
> - Build Docker native templates (coreOS, rancherOS, Snappy, Atomic)
> - Finally cleanup cloud-init support for CloudStack, this is preventing us
> from having upstream centOS templates.
> - Publish playbooks/recipes to deploy workloads on CloudStack (think
> Hadoop, Spark, Kubernetes)
> - Work actively on up to date integration with CloudFoundry
> On documentation:
> -------------------------
> I and couple others successfully moved our docs to the Read The Docs
> service. This was a first great move but we need to finish the job.
> We need to rethink our documentation tree, maybe merge all guides in one,
> correct the docs, create a new theme for it.
> This is an easy area to contribute to if you are using cloudstack. Just
> send a pull request (click on the top right ribbon).
> If you don’t know how, then it will teach you how to use github, great
> exercise.
> We also need to routinely build the multi languages support.
> On Events:
> -------------------------
> We have at least four great events coming in 2015. Austin, Seattle, Tokyo
> and Dublin.
> Let’s meet at one of those events.
> Let’s submit a talk or a poster, tell everyone about the great stuff you
> are doing with CloudStack.
> If you are in a position at your company to sponsor the event, please do,
> we need your help to make those great events.
> Open Source is about collaboration and sharing, so let’s meet around the
> globe from Sao Paulo to Dublin to Tokyo and talk Cloud, DevOps and Docker :)
> Finally on the Website:
> -------------------------
> We can live without a website, but having a good one is a great way to
> showcase our community and our work.
> The current website is an improvement to what it was before but we need to
> do much much better.
> I recently did a small experiment and we could use github page. There is
> now a gh-pages branch in our repo.
> Anyone can actually contribute to that branch and it will rebuild a site
> automatically.
> If we could find a great web designer in our community, we could rebuild
> our site and make it a very modern, polished site that would attract even
> more people.
> It’s an easy one, it just needs someone to step up and do it.
> There is much more to this list, It is almost a brain dump. I figure that
> if we could work on those five areas and improve them, even just a bit, our
> project would be so much stronger. Some of them are easy, it’s just a
> question of sitting down and doing it.
> So while I cannot tell you what to do, and cannot assign people to some of
> these tasks. I encourage you to look at that list and see if there is an
> area or a thought that strikes your mind and excites you. If there is, the
> only think I ask is that you send a pull request or at the very least an
> email to tell the rest of us what you are doing.
> To conclude, we do have a bit of bi-polar syndrome in tech, we need rock
> solid software in production but we also want to work on the latest cool
> technologies. I think we can do both, and if we can do something that is
> both cool and rock solid in prod than we will have that amazing feeling of
> accomplishment and doing great work
> Let’s keep on making CloudStack great in the coming year and let’s have
> fun doing it,
> -Sebastien
> @sebgoa

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