
Assuming you have the CS with two isolated network VRs prj01A and prj02B.
You are sending traffic from the VM02B to VM01A.
Hope you configured the NAT rules to reach VM01A.

VM02B ----(guest)eth0 (prj02B VR) eth2 (public) 
---------------Hypervisor------------eth2(prj01A VR)eth0-----VM01A

In the above traffic path you can also capture the traffic the VM/VR vif on the 


On 13-Apr-2015, at 11:01 AM, ???????????? <1158656...@qq.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
>   I have a problem that how to capture traffic between VM in Cloudstack 
> enviroument.Below is my test enviroument(some VM in some project):
>                     ___ VM01A
>                     |  
> prj01A------VR
>                     |___ VM02A
>                     |
>                     |___ VM03A
>                     ___ VM01B
>                     |  
> prj02B------VR
>                     |___ VM02B
>   I need to capture traffic from prj02B-VM02B to prj01A-VM01A,from VM03A to 
> VM01A.When use "tcpdump -vv -i eth0" or "tcpdump -vv -i eth2" in VR,there is 
> nothing captured.Where to capture these traffic?

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