Please fixe the link for the release notes.  I hit a bump, very embarassing.

On 21 April 2015 at 21:29, Daan Hoogland <> wrote:

> Mature, easy-to-deploy Open Source Cloud computing software platform
> boasts improved efficiency and performance.
> The Apache CloudStack project announced the immediate availability of
> Apache CloudStack v4.4.3, the latest version of the turnkey Open
> Source cloud computing software platform used for creating private-,
> public-, and hybrid cloud environments.
> Apache CloudStack clouds enable billions of dollars' worth of business
> transactions annually across their clouds, and its maturity and
> stability has led it to has become the Open Source platform for many
> service providers to set up on-demand, elastic public cloud computing
> services, as well as enterprises and others to set up a private or
> hybrid cloud for use by their own employees.
> "While working hard on a new release we managed to backport many
> stabilizing fixes to this maintenance release. Both for 4.5 and the
> next version work is going hard and I am happy that we managed to
> bring out this fix release for users of prior versions."
> Daan Hoogland, member of the Apache CloudStack Project Management
> Committee and release manager for version 4.4.
> Lauded by Gartner Group, CloudStack includes an intuitive user
> interface and rich APIs for managing the compute, networking,
> software, and storage infrastructure resources.
> CloudStack v4.4.3 reflects dozens of fixes
> A complete overview of all new enhancements can be found in the
> project release notes at
> CloudStack has been used by thousands of organizations worldwide and
> is in use/production at Alcatel-Lucent, Autodesk, BT Cloud, China
> Telecom, DATACAENTER Services, DataPipe,, Exoscale,
> GreenQloud, Hokkaido University, IDC Frontier, Ikoula, KDDI, KT/Korea
> Telecom, LeaseWeb, NTT, Orange, PCextreme, Schuberg Philis, Shopzilla,
> Slovak Telekom, SunGard AS, Taiwan Mobile, Tata, Trader Media Group,
> TomTom, University of Melbourne, University of Sao Paolo, Verizon,
> WebMD and Zynga, among others.
> CloudStack originated at, which was acquired by Citrix in
> 2011. CloudStack was submitted to the Apache Incubator in April 2012
> and graduated as an Apache Software Foundation Top-level Project in
> March 2013.
> Availability
> CloudStack v4.4.3 is available immediately as a free download from
> Apache CloudStack
> software is released under the Apache License v2.0.
> Governance and Oversight
> Apache CloudStack is overseen by a self-selected team of active
> contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC)
> guides the Project's day-to-day operations, including community
> development and product releases.
> Get Involved!
> Apache CloudStack welcomes contribution and community participation
> through mailing lists as well as attending face-to-face MeetUps,
> developer trainings, and user events. Catch CloudStack in action at
> the CloudStack Days
> CloudStack Days Tokyo 2015, 2nd June 2015,
> CloudStack Days Seattle 2015 , 20th August 2015,
> and
> CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2015 in Dublin, 8th and 9th of
> October 2015,
> --
> Daan

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