Are you sure you got no 302 from web server etc ?

Can you make sure with WGET that the file really starts to download from
that URL - CloudStack AFAIK doesnt support http redirects etc...

On 26 June 2015 at 17:03, Robert Lasota <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed newest Cloudstack on Centos with KVM. Cloud started but I have
> problem with creating new instance, maybe even with adding template - I
> don't know.
> I uploaded templates (Ubuntu and Centos), ISO of Debian and supposedly
> successfuly because I had such information and even in Events I have e.g.
> "successfully completed creaeting iso". BUT...during trying to install new
> instance in second step, every of 4 tabs are empty! no matter if iso or
> template, so why since I successfully uploaded them ?
> Also I must say, when I enter to details of uploaded ISO and my Uploaded
> Debian in tab "Zones" of it I have following status of zone:
> "Template content is unsupported, or mismatch between selected format and
> template content. Found : HTML document, ASCII text, with very long lines,
> with CRLF line terminators"
> Could anybody help me , tell me what is going on ?
> Thanks, Robert


Andrija Panić

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