
Same issue as someone in another thread had. I'll copy/paste it here:

The root cause was recently fixed here:

As a workaround you can either alter the query (as the PR does) or downgrade 

systemctl stop mariadb
yum -y remove mariadb-libs
yum -y install mariadb-1:5.5.41-2.el7_0.x86_64 
systemctl start mariadb

Regards, Remi

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Sep 2015, at 12:23, Keerthiraja SJ 
<sjkeer...@gmail.com<mailto:sjkeer...@gmail.com>> wrote:

During the fresh implementation I could see below error in catalina.out

INFO  [c.c.u.DatabaseUpgradeChecker] (main:null) Database upgrade must be
performed from 4.0.0 to 4.5.2
ERROR [c.c.u.d.ScriptRunner] (main:null) Error executing: alter table
vm_template add size bigint unsigned
ERROR [c.c.u.d.ScriptRunner] (main:null)
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Duplicate column
name 'size'
ERROR [c.c.u.DatabaseUpgradeChecker] (main:null) Unable to execute upgrade
script: /usr/share/cloudstack-management/setup/db/schema-40to410.sql
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Duplicate column
name 'size'

Kindly help me out right now I am doing production installation.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Keerthiraja SJ 
<sjkeer...@gmail.com<mailto:sjkeer...@gmail.com>> wrote:

ariaDB [cloud]> select * from vm_template;

| id | unique_name         | name                                  |
uuid                                 | public | featured | type    | hvm |
bits |
| format | created             | removed             | account_id |
checksum                         | display_text                          |
enable_password | enable_sshkey | guest_os_id | bootable | prepopulate |
cross_zones | extractable | hypervisor_type | source_template_id |
template_tag | sort_key | size | state     | update_count | updated |
dynamically_scalable |

|  1 | routing-1           | SystemVM Template (XenServer)         |
cf459945-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0
|   64 |
| VHD    | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
74b92f031cc5c2089ee89efb81344dcf | SystemVM Template (XenServer)
|               0 |             0 |         184 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           0 | XenServer       |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |
|  2 | centos53-x86_64     | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (XenServer) |
cf45be09-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0
|   64 |
| VHD    | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 |          1 |
b63d854a9560c013142567bbae8d98cf | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (XenServer)
|               0 |             0 |          12 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           1 | XenServer       |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |
|  3 | routing-3           | SystemVM Template (KVM)               |
cf45d927-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0
|   64 |
| QCOW2  | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
85a1bed07bf43cbf022451cb2ecae4ff | SystemVM Template (KVM)
|               0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           0 | KVM             |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |
|  4 | centos55-x86_64     | CentOS 5.5(64-bit) no GUI (KVM)       |
cf45eb74-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0
|   64 |
| QCOW2  | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
ed0e788280ff2912ea40f7f91ca7a249 | CentOS 5.5(64-bit) no GUI (KVM)
|               0 |             0 |         112 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           1 | KVM             |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |
|  5 | centos56-x86_64-xen | CentOS 5.6(64-bit) no GUI (XenServer) |
cf45fae4-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0
|   64 |
| VHD    | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
905cec879afd9c9d22ecc8036131a180 | CentOS 5.6(64-bit) no GUI (XenServer)
|               0 |             0 |         142 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           1 | XenServer       |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    1 |
|  6 | centos64-x64        | CentOS 6.4(64-bit) GUI (Hyperv)       |
cf46438e-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0
|   64 | http://download.cloud.com/releases/4.3/centos6_4_64bit.vhd.bz2
| VHD    | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
eef6b9940ea3ed01221d963d4a012d0a | CentOS 6.4 (64-bit) GUI (Hyperv)
|               0 |             0 |         182 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           1 | Hyperv          |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |
|  7 | centos53-x64        | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (vSphere)   |
cf460fcc-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      1 |        1 | BUILTIN |   0
|   64 | http://download.cloud.com/releases/2.2.0/CentOS5.3-x86_64.ova
| OVA    | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
f6f881b7f2292948d8494db837fe0f47 | CentOS 5.3(64-bit) no GUI (vSphere)
|               0 |             0 |          12 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           1 | VMware          |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |
|  8 | routing-8           | SystemVM Template (vSphere)           |
cf461e57-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0
|   64 |
| OVA    | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
ef593a061f3b7594ab0bfd9b0ed0a0d4 | SystemVM Template (vSphere)
|               0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           0 | VMware          |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    1 |
|  9 | routing-9           | SystemVM Template (HyperV)            |
cf4634f1-5868-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0
|   64 |
| VHD    | 2015-09-11 02:38:08 | NULL                |          1 |
5df45ee6ebe1b703a8805f4e1f4d0818 | SystemVM Template (HyperV)
|               0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           0 | Hyperv          |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |
| 10 | routing-10          | SystemVM Template (LXC)               |
23c9be31-5869-11e5-9d7e-1458d04cf748 |      0 |        0 | SYSTEM  |   0
|   64 |
| QCOW2  | 2015-09-11 02:40:29 | NULL                |          1 |
2755de1f9ef2ce4d6f2bee2efbb4da92 | SystemVM Template (LXC)
|               0 |             0 |          15 |        1 |           0
|           1 |           0 | LXC             |               NULL |
NULL         |        0 | NULL | Allocated |            0 | NULL
|                    0 |

10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 3:27 PM, prapul cool <

Hi keerthiaja,

 In  vm_template table ,have a column with the name of 'size'. Seems
your db deployment was not complete so can drop database and redeploy
cloudstack....  Regards,
Prapul sriram,
Cloud Architect,
PSI Cloud Solutions,

    On Friday, 11 September 2015 3:13 PM, Keerthiraja SJ <
sjkeer...@gmail.com<mailto:sjkeer...@gmail.com>> wrote:

ERROR [c.c.u.d.ScriptRunner] (main:null) Error executing: UPDATE
`cloud`.`configuration` SET value = CONCAT("*.",(SELECT
FROM (SELECT * FROM `cloud`.`configuration` WHERE
`name`="consoleproxy.url.domain") AS `temptable` WHERE
`temptable`.`name`="consoleproxy.url.domain")) WHERE
ERROR [c.c.u.d.ScriptRunner] (main:null)
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications
link failure

The last packet successfully received from the server was 63 milliseconds
ago.  The last packet sent successfully to the server was 63 milliseconds
ERROR [c.c.u.DatabaseUpgradeChecker] (main:null) Unable to execute upgrade
script: /usr/share/cloudstack-management/setup/db/schema-421to430.sql
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications
link failure

ERROR [c.c.u.DatabaseUpgradeChecker] (main:null) Unable to upgrade the

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Keerthiraja SJ 

Hi All,

After successfully installation I could while starting the
cloudstack-management ther seems to some error while connecting to my

I am right now into production setup.

ERROR [c.c.u.DatabaseUpgradeChecker] (main:null) Unable to upgrade the
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Unable to execute
script: /usr/share/cloudstack-management/setup/db/schema-40to410.sql

ERROR [c.c.u.d.ScriptRunner] (main:null) Error executing: alter table
vm_template add size bigint unsigned
ERROR [c.c.u.d.ScriptRunner] (main:null)
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Duplicate
name 'size'
ERROR [c.c.u.DatabaseUpgradeChecker] (main:null) Unable to execute
script: /usr/share/cloudstack-management/setup/db/schema-40to410.sql

The Version of the MYSQL


If this is not the right version MARIADB then what version should I have
to install.


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