I am studying the logging process used by CloudStack and came accross 
the configuration file that is used by Log4j. What is confusing to me is
 that all the resources is stating that the "log4j-cloud.xml" is 
supposed to be the file used to confiugre the logging, but what I have 
noticed is that no matter what are the changes I made using this file it
 would just go back to what it was. Never the less I found if I change 
the "log4j-cloud.xml.in" file these changes will be reflected on the 
created log files. 

There are around 13 "log4j-cloud.xml" files  
as well as 13 "log4-cloud.xml.in" files spreaded accross the source 
code. These files are not the same, some of them may have the same 
configuration but mostly they differ. 

Can you please explain the diffrences between these files. 

Waiting for your answer. 

Best Regards


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