Hi All,

Question regarding dedicating a Pod to an account......

If I dedicate a Pod to an account, login as that account and then create an
instance, when it comes to the affinity screen, I get the following:

"Please select any affinity groups you want this VM to belong to"

However, what I really want to do is force this account to only be able to
create hosts in this pod. If this is not possible then it should default to
this being ticked. Is there a way to accomplish this?

I've also tried creating a new service offering and creating it
with ImplicitDedicationPlanner, with planner mode strict. However, all this
appears to do is the following......

When the account selects this service offering, the instance is created on
an empty host. Addition instances created with this service offering then
get put onto the same host, rather than looking for other free hosts within
the same pod.

So to summarize.... I want to either force an account to only launch
instances in one Pod, or for this option to be the default. Is there a way ?


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