I am not sure what happened but our primary storage, which is Gluster, on all 
our hosts is not mounted anymore.  When I do "virsh pool-list" on any host I 
only see the local pool.  Gluster is working fine and there are no problems 
with it because I can mount the Gluster volume manually on any of the hosts and 
see the primary storage.  Instances that are running can write data to the 
local volume and pull data from it.  But if a VM is stopped it can't start 
again.  I get the "Unable to create a New VM - Error message: Unable to start 
instance due to Unable to get answer that is of class 
com.cloud.agent.api.StartAnswer" that I have seen a thread in this mailing list 
and I am sure its primary storage related. 

The agent logs on the hosts are issuing the following log snippets which 
confirm its looking for primary storage:

2016-04-15 18:42:34,838 INFO  [kvm.storage.LibvirtStorageAdaptor] 
(agentRequest-Handler-3:null) (logid:ad8ec05a) Trying to fetch storage pool 
c3991ea2-b702-3b1b-bfc5-69cb7d928554 from libvirt
2016-04-15 18:45:19,006 INFO  [kvm.storage.LibvirtStorageAdaptor] 
(agentRequest-Handler-1:null) (logid:4c396753) Trying to fetch storage pool 
c3991ea2-b702-3b1b-bfc5-69cb7d928554 from libvirt
2016-04-15 18:45:49,010 INFO  [kvm.storage.LibvirtStorageAdaptor] 
(agentRequest-Handler-1:null) (logid:4c396753) Trying to fetch storage pool 
c3991ea2-b702-3b1b-bfc5-69cb7d928554 from libvirt

The c3991ea2-b702-3b1b-bfc5-69cb7d928554 is the UUID of our primary storage.

We did have some secondary storage issues (NFS) that caused some NFS mounts to 
secondary storage to hang.  The only way to recover was to reboot the host.  
There were 2 host affected so I put each host in maintenance mode, rebooted and 
then canceled maintenance mode.  I did this one host at a time.  It seems like 
ever since this has happened I have had issues.

Is there a way to get the primary storage remounted and added to libvirt 
pool-list while keeping the VMs up and running?  At this point the only idea I 
have to recover is to power off all VMs, disable primary storage then enable it 
again.  This is a little extreme and is a last resort but I don't know what 
other options I have.

Any suggestions?

Richard KleinĀ  <rkl...@rsitex.com> 
5426 Guadalupe, Suite 100 
Austin TX 78751 

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