Good afternoon Dag Sonstebo,

Thanks for that quick answer, as an extra question about it, do you know which is the best version to upgrade in our case with our current Cloudstack version (4.5.2)? And also is there's any version which is not worth to go due to known issues, and better for us to avoid?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards

-------- Missatge reenviat --------
Assumpte:       Re: cloudstack 4.5.2 upgrade best practices
Data:   Tue, 25 Oct 2016 12:27:27 +0000
De:     Dag Sonstebo <>
Respon a:
A: <>

Hi Marc,

You don’t have to upgrade to each minor version – in other words you only need 
to carry out one upgrade to your target version. In general we advise our 
customers to test the upgrade in a non-production environment to ensure 
everything works OK.

Dag Sonstebo

On 25/10/2016, 12:20, "Marc Poll Garcia" <> wrote:

    Hello guys,
I'm having some doubts and questions about which is the best way to
    upgrade our current Cloudstack platform, to a newer and better one (bug
    fixes, new features, etc...)
I would like to know about the known issues and troubles that we can be
    exposed during the upgrade process, and the most important thing for me
    if there's any version better to avoid in our case.
We currently have a 4 x hipervisors cluster with "VMWare ESXi 5.5.0" and
    "Cloudstack 4.5.2" installed on them.
In addition, i saw it should be done in two steps and same procedure
    twice, first moving from 4.5.2 to 4.6 and then 4.6 to 4.7, i found the
    upgrade documentation here:
Upgrade to 4.6
Upgrade to 4.7
Could you help me on it? Thanks in advance.
    Marc Poll Garcia
    Technology Infrastructure
    Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6 Soterrani 1
    08034 BARCELONA
    Telèfon centraleta: +34 93 401 16 00
    Telèfon directe: +34 93.405.43.57
    Fax: +34 93 401 25 75
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