I will be able to re-check some code and answer you with new thoughts on
this problem tonight (the log files you provided today have some very
insightful information regarding this problem). I believe this is a bug in
HA, a very tricky one that has not been reported yet (at least I do not
remember seeing anything similar). And thanks to randomness/destiny now you
have found/uncovered a way to reproduce the problem (bug?!).

I do not suggest you changing any data at all directly in the data base
(unless you know ACS code well and are 100% of what you are doing). This
can cause even bigger and more complicated problems. If you remove the HA
feature from this VMs, this problem will stop. However, if you can/are
willing to maintain the HA until we fully uncover the problem, map and
report it, this would be great.
BTW: why are you restarting MSs?
What are the configurations of your MSs?

Thanks for your time and for sharing information with our community.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 8:53 AM, Francois Scheurer <
francois.scheu...@everyware.ch> wrote:

> Dear Rafael
> Many thanks for your deep analysis.
> Nice humor with the planetsalignments BTW ;)
> We also suspected the HA Flag to be related this issue, as we never got
> this issue in the past, until we enabled the HA on all VMs and Offerings.
> Here is also the workers list:
> mysql> select * from op_ha_work;
> +------+-------------+-----------+--------------------+-----
> -----+----------------+---------+---------------------+-----
> --+---------------------+-------+-------------+---------+
> | id   | instance_id | type      | vm_type            | state    |
> mgmt_server_id | host_id | created             | tried | taken
>  | step  | time_to_try | updated |
> +------+-------------+-----------+--------------------+-----
> -----+----------------+---------+---------------------+-----
> --+---------------------+-------+-------------+---------+
> |  105 |         343 | HA        | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      29 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056013 |       3 |
> |  109 |         407 | HA        | ConsoleProxy       | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      33 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056013 |       3 |
> |  113 |         407 | HA        | ConsoleProxy       | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      33 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056013 |       3 |
> |  117 |         407 | HA        | ConsoleProxy       | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      33 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056013 |       3 |
> |  121 |         343 | HA        | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      29 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056013 |       3 |
> |  125 |         405 | HA        | SecondaryStorageVm | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      29 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056013 |       3 |
> |  129 |         393 | HA        | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      25 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056014 |      30 |
> |  133 |         405 | HA        | SecondaryStorageVm | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      29 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056014 |       3 |
> |  137 |         402 | HA        | ConsoleProxy       | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      25 | 2015-03-28 03:19:03 | 2 | 2015-03-28 03:30:04 |
> Error |  1394056014 |       3 |
> |  345 |         402 | HA        | ConsoleProxy       | Starting |
>  345049098498 |      25 | 2015-07-06 13:09:26 | 1 | 2015-07-06 13:09:26 |
> Error |  1402527506 |     770 |
> |  349 |         687 | HA        | SecondaryStorageVm | Starting |
>  345049098498 |      25 | 2015-07-06 13:09:26 | 1 | 2015-07-06 13:09:26 |
> Error |  1402527506 |       2 |
> | 2057 |        1178 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      33 | 2017-01-31 07:56:08 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:08 |
> Done  |  1451024774 |      95 |
> | 2058 |        1736 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |     224 | 2017-01-31 07:56:08 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:08 |
> Done  |  1451024774 |      45 |
> | 2059 |        1240 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |       7 | 2017-01-31 07:56:08 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:08 |
> Done  |  1451024774 |      61 |
> | 2060 |        1178 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |      33 | 2017-01-31 07:56:08 | 1 | 2017-01-31 08:06:37 |
> Done  |  1451025374 |      95 |
> | 2061 |        1178 | Migration | User               | Stopped  |
>    NULL |      33 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 | 5 | NULL                | Done
> |  1451027900 |     109 |
> | 2062 |        1690 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |     224 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 |
> Done  |  1451024774 |     109 |
> | 2063 |        1177 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098498 |      29 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 |
> Done  |  1451024774 |      82 |
> | 2064 |        1690 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |     224 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 | 1 | 2017-01-31 07:58:18 |
> Done  |  1451024900 |     109 |
> | 2065 |        1240 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |       7 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 | 1 | 2017-01-31 07:58:18 |
> Done  |  1451024900 |      61 |
> | 2066 |        1736 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |     224 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 | 1 | 2017-01-31 07:58:18 |
> Done  |  1451024900 |      45 |
> | 2067 |        1240 | Migration | User               | Stopped  |
>    NULL |       7 | 2017-01-31 07:56:09 | 5 | NULL                | Done
> |  1451028003 |      80 |
> | 2068 |        1178 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |      33 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 |
> Done  |  1451024781 |      95 |
> | 2069 |        1736 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |     224 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 |
> Done  |  1451024781 |      45 |
> | 2070 |        1240 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |       7 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 |
> Done  |  1451024781 |      61 |
> | 2071 |        1177 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |      29 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 0 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 |
> Done  |  1451024781 |      82 |
> | 2072 |        1177 | Migration | User               | Stopped  |
>    NULL |      29 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 5 | NULL                | Done
> |  1451027973 |     101 |
> | 2073 |        1177 | Migration | User               | Running  |
>  345049098122 |      29 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 1 | 2017-01-31 07:58:22 |
> Done  |  1451024904 |      82 |
> | 2074 |        1690 | Migration | User               | Stopped  |
>    NULL |     224 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 5 | NULL                | Done
> |  1451027464 |     123 |
> | 2075 |        1736 | Migration | User               | Stopped  |
>    NULL |     224 | 2017-01-31 07:56:16 | 5 | NULL                | Done
> |  1451027477 |      59 |
> +------+-------------+-----------+--------------------+-----
> -----+----------------+---------+---------------------+-----
> --+---------------------+-------+-------------+---------+
> If we put a host in maintenance, it may unfortunately happen that a
> timeout occurs and CS aborts the migration.
> As far as we can interpret the logs, it seems (we speculate) that CS
> detects that the VM is then still running on the original host, which is in
> maintenance, and decides somehow to stop it because of the "host not up"
> status.
> We then need to start several times the VM, until CS gives up the stopping.
> After restarting the MSs I guess that a similar issue may happen: the
> hosts are disconnected during the early stage and then reconnects. Maybe CS
> then again stops the VMs because the "host not up" status?
> Cf. 2017-01-30 08:44:06,157 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f) The
> last host of this VM is not UP or is not enabled, host status is:
> Disconnected, host resource state is: Enabled
> But the problem after the MSs restart is definitely only impacting VMs
> listed in the Table op_ha_work.
> To your questions:
>         We have 3 ACS MSs managing several Zones. Each zone has a single
> pod and cluster.
>         The Cluster of i-638-1735-VM has this summary:
>          Total number of VMs: 121
>          Total number hypervisors: 4
>          Total allocated RAM: 522.0 / 972 GB (53.7 %)
>          Total allocated cores: 211
>          Total allocated storage: 11285 GB
>         Used Memory on the hosts is now varying from 28 to 77%, so there
> is enough RAM.
>         I did not check the XS logs. The same Problem has arisen this
> morning again (shortly after a restart of all MSs), so I will look in the
> XS logs now.
>         I have some fair experience with Eclipse and Java, I will ask my
> boss if we can go this way.
> The main issue for now, is that restarting the MSs is reproducing the
> problem, which is quite annoying for the impacted VM's.
> I thought to stop the MSs, delete all HA/Migration entries in op_ha_work
> and start the MSs.
> Is that a viable option? (or should I delete the Migration entries only?
> or never touch this table?)
> We will also very probably remove the HA Flag on all VMs if it does not
> work reliably.
> Best Regards
> Francois Scheurer
> Here are new logs regarding the same issue of today.
> I tried to get the important parts related to the stop of i-189-1178-VM.
> regexp: (i-189-1178-VM|VmWorkMigrateAway|job-15393|job-192989|
> StopRequestedvm|job-14965|job-193019|Stopped-Migrating|ctx-
> 36aae733|work-2049)
> 2017-01-30 08:44:04,440 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Executing
> AsyncJobVO {id:192989, userId: 1, accountId: 1, instanceType: null,
> instanceId: null, cmd: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway, cmdInfo:
> rO0ABXNyAB5jb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3JrTWlncmF0ZU
> F3YXmt4MX4jtcEmwIAAUoACXNyY0hvc3RJZHhyABNjb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm
> cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resu
> ltCode: 0, result: null, initMsid: 345049103441, completeMsid: null,
> lastUpdated: null, lastPolled: null, created: Mon Jan 30 08:44:03 CET 2017}
> 2017-01-30 08:44:04,440 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Run VM work job:
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for VM 1178, job origin: 15393
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,217 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Deploy avoids pods: [], clusters: [], hosts: [29]
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,220 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.ClusteredAgentManagerImpl]
> (AgentConnectTaskPool-4:ctx-5b61f2e5) create ClusteredAgentAttache for 232
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,220 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: com.cloud.deploy.UserDispersin
> gPlanner@1734b2e2
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,220 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Trying to allocate a host and storage pools from dc:17, pod:25,cluster:25,
> requested cpu: 4200, requested ram: 4294967296
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,220 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) Is
> ROOT volume READY (pool already allocated)?: Yes
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,220 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) This
> VM has last host_id specified, trying to choose the same host: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,614 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) The
> last host of this VM is not UP or is not enabled, host status is:
> Disconnected, host resource state is: Enabled
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,614 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Cannot choose the last host to deploy this VM
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,614 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,777 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Found 0 hosts for allocation after
> prioritization: []
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,777 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Looking for speed=4200Mhz, Ram=4096
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,777 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host Allocator returning 0 suitable hosts
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,777 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) No
> suitable hosts found
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,777 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) No
> suitable hosts found under this Cluster: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,787 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Could not find suitable Deployment Destination for this VM under any
> clusters, returning.
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,787 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,798 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) The
> specified cluster is in avoid set, returning.
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,798 DEBUG [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Unable to find destination for migrating the vm VM[User|i-189-1178-VM]
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,798 WARN [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Failed to deploy vm 1178 with original planner, sending HAPlanner
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,985 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Deploy avoids pods: [], clusters: [], hosts: [29]
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,985 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: com.cloud.deploy.SkipHeurestic
> sPlanner@4fdf86ce
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,985 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Trying to allocate a host and storage pools from dc:17, pod:25,cluster:25,
> requested cpu: 4200, requested ram: 4294967296
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,985 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) Is
> ROOT volume READY (pool already allocated)?: Yes
> 2017-01-30 08:44:05,985 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) This
> VM has last host_id specified, trying to choose the same host: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,022 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) The
> last host of this VM is not UP or is not enabled, host status is:
> Disconnected, host resource state is: Enabled
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,022 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Cannot choose the last host to deploy this VM
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,022 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,039 DEBUG [c.c.d.SkipHeuresticsPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Deploying vm during HA process, so skipping disable threshold check
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,151 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Found 0 hosts for allocation after
> prioritization: []
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,151 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Looking for speed=4200Mhz, Ram=4096
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,151 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host Allocator returning 0 suitable hosts
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,151 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) No
> suitable hosts found
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,151 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) No
> suitable hosts found under this Cluster: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,157 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-017064e7 job-13733/job-192986) Publish async
> job-192986 complete on message bus
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,157 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-017064e7 job-13733/job-192986) Wake up jobs
> related to job-192986
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,157 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-017064e7 job-13733/job-192986) Update db status
> for job-192986
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,157 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f) The
> last host of this VM is not UP or is not enabled, host status is:
> Disconnected, host resource state is: Enabled
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,157 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f)
> Cannot choose the last host to deploy this VM
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,157 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f)
> Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 35
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,160 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Could not find suitable Deployment Destination for this VM under any
> clusters, returning.
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,160 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,163 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (AsyncJobMgr-Heartbeat-1:ctx-eb81fc0b) Execute sync-queue item:
> SyncQueueItemVO {id:63629, queueId: 64423, contentType: AsyncJob,
> contentId: 192991, lastProcessMsid: 345049098498, lastprocessNumber: 27,
> lastProcessTime: Mon Jan 30 08:44:06 CET 2017, created: Mon Jan 30 08:44:05
> CET 2017}
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,169 INFO  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
> (Work-Job-Executor-8:ctx-381e8d1a job-14953/job-192992) Add job-192992
> into job monitoring
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,184 DEBUG [c.c.d.SkipHeuresticsPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f)
> Deploying vm during HA process, so skipping disable threshold check
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,186 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea) The
> specified cluster is in avoid set, returning.
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,186 DEBUG [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Unable to find destination for migrating the vm VM[User|i-189-1178-VM]
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,186 ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Invocation exception, caused by: 
> com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException:
> Unable to find a server to migrate to.Scope=interface
> com.cloud.org.Cluster; id=25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,187 INFO  [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989 ctx-ea83d6ea)
> Rethrow exception com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException:
> Unable to find a server to migrate to.Scope=interface
> com.cloud.org.Cluster; id=25
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,187 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Done with run of
> VM work job: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for VM 1178, job origin: 15393
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,187 ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Unable to
> complete AsyncJobVO {id:192989, userId: 1, accountId: 1, instanceType:
> null, instanceId: null, cmd: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway, cmdInfo:
> rO0ABXNyAB5jb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3JrTWlncmF0ZUF3YXmt4MX4jtcE
> mwIAAUoACXNyY0hvc3RJZHhyABNjb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3Jrn5m2VvAl
> AAAEmnQAGVZpcnR1YWxNYWNoaW5lTWFuYWdlckltcGwAAAAAAAAAHQ, cmdVersion: 0,
> status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: null,
> initMsid: 345049103441, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled:
> null, created: Mon Jan 30 08:44:03 CET 2017}, job origin:15393
> com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException: Unable to find a
> server to migrate to.Scope=interface com.cloud.org.Cluster; id=25
>         at com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl.orchestrateMigrateAwa
> y(VirtualMachineManagerImpl.java:2390)
>         at com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl.orchestrateMigrateAwa
> y(VirtualMachineManagerImpl.java:4520)
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcce
> ssorImpl.java:57)
>         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMe
> thodAccessorImpl.java:43)
>         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
>         at com.cloud.vm.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy.handleVmWorkJob(VmWorkJob
> HandlerProxy.java:107)
>         at com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl.handleVmWorkJob(Virtu
> alMachineManagerImpl.java:4636)
>         at com.cloud.vm.VmWorkJobDispatcher.runJob(VmWorkJobDispatcher.
> java:103)
>         at org.apache.cloudstack.framework.jobs.impl.AsyncJobManagerImp
> l$5.runInContext(AsyncJobManagerImpl.java:537)
>         at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable
> $1.run(ManagedContextRunnable.java:49)
>         at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.impl.DefaultManagedCon
> text$1.call(DefaultManagedContext.java:56)
>         at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.impl.DefaultManagedCon
> text.callWithContext(DefaultManagedContext.java:103)
>         at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.impl.DefaultManagedCon
> text.runWithContext(DefaultManagedContext.java:53)
>         at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable
> .run(ManagedContextRunnable.java:46)
>         at org.apache.cloudstack.framework.jobs.impl.AsyncJobManagerImp
> l$5.run(AsyncJobManagerImpl.java:494)
>         at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(
> Executors.java:471)
>         at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)
>         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPool
> Executor.java:1145)
>         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoo
> lExecutor.java:615)
>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,188 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (AsyncJobMgr-Heartbeat-1:ctx-eb81fc0b) Schedule queued job-192991
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,192 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-017064e7 job-13733/job-192986) Wake up jobs
> joined with job-192986 and disjoin all subjobs created from job- 192986
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,196 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Complete async
> job-192989, jobStatus: FAILED, resultCode: 0, result:
> rO0ABXNyADdjb20uY2xvdWQuZXhjZXB0aW9uLkluc3VmZmljaWVudFNlcnZl
> c0FwcGxpZWR4cgAxY29tLmNsb3VkLmV4Y2VwdGlvbi5JbnN1ZmZpY2llbnRD
> L0xvbmc7TAAFc2NvcGV0ABFMamF2YS9sYW5nL0NsYXNzO3hyACJjb20uY2xv
> dWQuZXhjZXB0aW9uLkNsb3VkRXhjZXB0aW9ueeiOG_HkRMcCAAJMAAtjc0Vy
> cm9yQ29kZXQAE0xqYXZhL2xhbmcvSW50ZWdlcjtMAAZpZExpc3R0ABVMamF2
> YS91dGlsL0FycmF5TGlzdDt4cgATamF2YS5sYW5nLkV4Y2VwdGlvbtD9Hz4a
> OxzEAgAAeHIAE2phdmEubGFuZy5UaHJvd2FibGXVxjUnOXe4ywMABEwABWNh
> EkxqYXZhL2xhbmcvU3RyaW5nO1sACnN0YWNrVHJhY2V0AB5bTGphdmEvbGFu
> Zy9TdGFja1RyYWNlRWxlbWVudDtMABRzdXBwcmVzc2VkRXhjZXB0aW9uc3QA
> EExqYXZhL3V0aWwvTGlzdDt4cHEAfgANdAAmVW5hYmxlIHRvIGZpbmQgYSBz
> ZXJ2ZXIgdG8gbWlncmF0ZSB0by51cgAeW0xqYXZhLmxhbmcuU3RhY2tUcmFj
> AAp4cAAACVZ0ACZjb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVmlydHVhbE1hY2hpbmVNYW5hZ2Vy
> SW1wbHQAHlZpcnR1YWxNYWNoaW5lTWFuYWdlckltcGwuamF2YXQAFm9yY2hl
> fgAR_____nQAJHN1bi5yZWZsZWN0Lk5hdGl2ZU1ldGhvZEFjY2Vzc29ySW1w
> bHQAHU5hdGl2ZU1ldGhvZEFjY2Vzc29ySW1wbC5qYXZhdAAHaW52b2tlMHNx
> ZWZsZWN0LkRlbGVnYXRpbmdNZXRob2RBY2Nlc3NvckltcGx0ACFEZWxlZ2F0
> YXZhLmxhbmcucmVmbGVjdC5NZXRob2R0AAtNZXRob2QuamF2YXEAfgAcc3EA
> fgARAAAAa3QAImNvbS5jbG91ZC52bS5WbVdvcmtKb2JIYW5kbGVyUHJveHl0
> ABpWbVdvcmtKb2JIYW5kbGVyUHJveHkuamF2YXQAD2hhbmRsZVZtV29ya0pv
> b3VkLnZtLlZtV29ya0pvYkRpc3BhdGNoZXJ0ABhWbVdvcmtKb2JEaXNwYXRj
> 91ZHN0YWNrLmZyYW1ld29yay5qb2JzLmltcGwuQXN5bmNKb2JNYW5hZ2VySW
> 1wbCQ1dAAYQXN5bmNKb2JNYW5hZ2VySW1wbC5qYXZhdAAMcnVuSW5Db250ZX
> h0c3EAfgARAAAAMXQAPm9yZy5hcGFjaGUuY2xvdWRzdGFjay5tYW5hZ2VkLm
> UuY2xvdWRzdGFjay5tYW5hZ2VkLmNvbnRleHQuaW1wbC5EZWZhdWx0TWFuYW
> FsbHNxAH4AEQAAAGd0AEBvcmcuYXBhY2hlLmNsb3Vkc3RhY2subWFuYWdlZC
> 5jb250ZXh0LmltcGwuRGVmYXVsdE1hbmFnZWRDb250ZXh0cQB-ADZ0AA9jYW
> xsV2l0aENvbnRleHRzcQB-ABEAAAA1cQB-ADlxAH4ANnQADnJ1bl
> dpdGhDb250ZXh0c3EAfgARAAAALnQAPG9yZy5hcGFjaGUuY2xvdWRzdGFjay
> 5tYW5hZ2VkLmNvbnRleHQuTWFuYWdlZENvbnRleHRSdW5uYWJsZXEAfgAycQ
> EudXRpbC5jb25jdXJyZW50LkV4ZWN1dG9ycyRSdW5uYWJsZUFkYXB0ZXJ0AA
> 5FeGVjdXRvcnMuamF2YXEAfgA3c3EAfgARAAABBnQAH2phdmEudXRpbC5jb2
> 5jdXJyZW50LkZ1dHVyZVRhc2t0AA9GdXR1cmVUYXNrLmphdmFxAH4AM3NxAH
> 4AEQAABHl0ACdqYXZhLnV0aWwuY29uY3VycmVudC5UaHJlYWRQb29sRXhlY3
> V0b3J0ABdUaHJlYWRQb29sRXhlY3V0b3IuamF2YXQACXJ1bldvcmtlcnNxAH
> 4AEQAAAmd0AC5qYXZhLnV0aWwuY29uY3VycmVudC5UaHJlYWRQb29sRXhlY3
> V0b3IkV29ya2VycQB-AEhxAH4AM3NxAH4AEQAAAul0ABBqYXZhLmxhbmcuVG
> hyZWFkdAALVGhyZWFkLmphdmFxAH4AM3NyACZqYXZhLnV0aWwuQ29sbGVjdG
> lvbnMkVW5tb2RpZmlhYmxlTGlzdPwPJTG17I4QAgABTAAEbGlzdHEAfgAMeH
> IALGphdmEudXRpbC5Db2xsZWN0aW9ucyRVbm1vZGlmaWFibGVDb2xsZWN0aW
> 9uGUIAgMte9x4CAAFMAAFjdAAWTGphdmEvdXRpbC9Db2xsZWN0aW9uO3hwc3
> IAE2phdmEudXRpbC5BcnJheUxpc3R4gdIdmcdhnQMAAUkABHNpemV4cAAAAA
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,201 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31)
> Deploy avoids pods: [], clusters: [], hosts: [3]
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,201 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31)
> DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: com.cloud.deploy.SkipHeurestic
> sPlanner@4fdf86ce
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,201 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31)
> Trying to allocate a host and storage pools from dc:14, pod:17,cluster:17,
> requested cpu: 4200, requested ram: 4294967296
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,201 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31) Is
> ROOT volume READY (pool already allocated)?: Yes
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,201 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31) This
> VM has last host_id specified, trying to choose the same host: 213
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,213 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Publish async
> job-192989 complete on message bus
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,213 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Wake up jobs
> related to job-192989
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,213 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Update db status
> for job-192989
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,219 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f)
> Checking resources in Cluster: 35 under Pod: 31
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,227 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Looking for hosts in dc: 23  pod:31  cluster:35
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,229 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-8:ctx-381e8d1a job-14953/job-192992) Executing
> AsyncJobVO {id:192992, userId: 1, accountId: 1, instanceType: null,
> instanceId: null, cmd: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway, cmdInfo:
> rO0ABXNyAB5jb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3JrTWlncmF0ZUF3YXmt4MX4jtcE
> mwIAAUoACXNyY0hvc3RJZHhyABNjb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3Jrn5m2VvAl
> AAAGwXQAGVZpcnR1YWxNYWNoaW5lTWFuYWdlckltcGwAAAAAAAAAEw, cmdVersion: 0,
> status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: null,
> initMsid: 345049098122, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled:
> null, created: Mon Jan 30 08:44:05 CET 2017}
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,229 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher]
> (Work-Job-Executor-8:ctx-381e8d1a job-14953/job-192992) Run VM work job:
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for VM 1729, job origin: 14953
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,230 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (AsyncJobMgr-Heartbeat-1:ctx-eb81fc0b) Execute sync-queue item:
> SyncQueueItemVO {id:63630, queueId: 67180, contentType: AsyncJob,
> contentId: 192990, lastProcessMsid: 345049098498, lastprocessNumber: 61,
> lastProcessTime: Mon Jan 30 08:44:06 CET 2017, created: Mon Jan 30 08:44:05
> CET 2017}
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,244 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31) The
> last host of this VM is not UP or is not enabled, host status is:
> Disconnected, host resource state is: Enabled
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,262 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31)
> Cannot choose the last host to deploy this VM
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,263 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Work-Job-Executor-7:ctx-bcf531e9 job-13729/job-192987 ctx-4c93bc31)
> Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 17
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,262 INFO  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
> (Work-Job-Executor-9:ctx-f4d09efb job-14965/job-192991) Add job-192991
> into job monitoring
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,246 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-017064e7 job-13733/job-192986) Done executing
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for job-192986
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,244 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Wake up jobs
> joined with job-192989 and disjoin all subjobs created from job- 192989
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,269 INFO  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
> (Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-017064e7 job-13733/job-192986) Remove job-192986
> from job monitoring
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,279 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Done executing
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for job-192989
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,305 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-9:ctx-f4d09efb job-14965/job-192991) Executing
> AsyncJobVO {id:192991, userId: 1, accountId: 1, instanceType: null,
> instanceId: null, cmd: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway, cmdInfo:
> rO0ABXNyAB5jb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3JrTWlncmF0ZUF3YXmt4MX4jtcE
> mwIAAUoACXNyY0hvc3RJZHhyABNjb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3Jrn5m2VvAl
> AAAGRXQAGVZpcnR1YWxNYWNoaW5lTWFuYWdlckltcGwAAAAAAAAABw, cmdVersion: 0,
> status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: null,
> initMsid: 345049098122, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled:
> null, created: Mon Jan 30 08:44:05 CET 2017}
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,305 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher]
> (Work-Job-Executor-9:ctx-f4d09efb job-14965/job-192991) Run VM work job:
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for VM 1605, job origin: 14965
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,306 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl]
> (AgentManager-Handler-13:null) Ping from 258
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,319 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) List of hosts in ascending order of number of
> VMs: [224, 19, 21, 15]
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,322 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator]
> (Work-Job-Executor-6:ctx-0d738a8e job-13737/job-192988 ctx-6e9c753f
> FirstFitRoutingAllocator) FirstFitAllocator has 0 hosts to check for
> allocation: []
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,322 INFO  [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl]
> (AgentManager-Handler-13:null) PingMap for agent: 258 will not be updated
> because agent is no longer in the PingMap
> 2017-01-30 08:44:06,326 INFO  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
> (Work-Job-Executor-5:ctx-32f1e087 job-15393/job-192989) Remove job-192989
> from job monitoring
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,139 INFO [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-20:ctx-a988090f job-14965/job-193019 ctx-052eb4f5)
> Migration cancelled because state has changed: VM[User|i-189-1178-VM]
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,139 DEBUG [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-20:ctx-a988090f job-14965/job-193019 ctx-052eb4f5)
> Unable to migrate VM due to: Migration cancelled because state has changed:
> VM[User|i-189-1178-VM]
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,167 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-20:ctx-a988090f job-14965/job-193019 ctx-052eb4f5) VM
> state transitted from :Running to Stopping with event: StopRequestedvm's
> original host id: 29 new host id: 33 host id before state transition: 33
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,177 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache]
> (DirectAgent-325:ctx-e540d7f5) Seq 19-2355664080091480198: Response
> Received:
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,177 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> (DirectAgent-325:ctx-e540d7f5) Seq 19-2355664080091480198: Processing:  {
> Ans: , MgmtId: 345049098498, via: 19, Ver: v1, Flags: 10,
> [{"com.cloud.agent.api.NetworkUsageAnswer":{"routerName":"r-
> 1706-VM","bytesSent":12276848087,"bytesReceived":
> 5226621450,"result":true,"details":"","wait":0}}] }
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,177 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> (RouterMonitor-1:ctx-2e80f405) Seq 19-2355664080091480198: Received:  {
> Ans: , MgmtId: 345049098498, via: 19, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, {
> NetworkUsageAnswer } }
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,177 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl]
> (RouterMonitor-1:ctx-2e80f405) Details from executing class
> com.cloud.agent.api.NetworkUsageCommand:
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,178 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> (Work-Job-Executor-20:ctx-a988090f job-14965/job-193019 ctx-052eb4f5) Seq
> 33-1917970491306410035: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345049098498, via:
> 33(ewcstack-vh003-prod), Ver: v1, Flags: 100011,
> [{"com.cloud.agent.api.StopCommand":{"isProxy":false,"
> executeInSequence":false,"checkBeforeCleanup":false,"vmName":"i-189-1178-VM","wait":0}}]
> }
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,178 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> (Work-Job-Executor-20:ctx-a988090f job-14965/job-193019 ctx-052eb4f5) Seq
> 33-1917970491306410035: Executing:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345049098498, via:
> 33(ewcstack-vh003-prod), Ver: v1, Flags: 100011,
> [{"com.cloud.agent.api.StopCommand":{"isProxy":false,"
> executeInSequence":false,"checkBeforeCleanup":false,"vmName":"i-189-1178-VM","wait":0}}]
> }
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,178 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache]
> (DirectAgent-43:ctx-da30f109) Seq 33-1917970491306410035: Executing request
> 2017-01-30 08:54:38,202 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache]
> (DirectAgent-326:ctx-4fb88aa7) Seq 21-1035546439318503505: Executing request
> 2017-01-30 09:05:55,628 INFO [c.c.h.HighAvailabilityManagerImpl]
> (HA-Worker-4:ctx-36aae733 work-2049) Processing
> HAWork[2049-Migration-1178-Stopped-Migrating]
> 2017-01-30 09:05:55,633 WARN [o.a.c.f.j.AsyncJobExecutionContext]
> (HA-Worker-4:ctx-36aae733 work-2049) Job is executed without a context,
> setup psudo job for the executing thread
> 2017-01-30 09:05:55,645 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (HA-Worker-4:ctx-36aae733 work-2049) Sync job-193045 execution on object
> VmWorkJobQueue.1178
> On 31.01.2017 00:42, Rafael Weingärtner wrote:
>> This seems to be one of those nasty bugs that are very hard to debug. It
>> seems to be cause to a combination of different factors, such as planets
>> alignments ;)
>> At class “VirtualMachineManagerImpl” line 2395 (method
>> “com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl.orchestrateMigrateAway(String,
>> long, DeploymentPlanner)”) is the start of the code flow that triggers the
>> migration. The point here is that, if an error occurs during the
>> migration,
>> the VM will be stopped; For some reason this is executed only for HA VMs.
>> Going a little bit further, we find the point that is triggering the error
>> in the method “com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl.migrate(
>> VMInstanceVO,
>> long, DeployDestination)” at line 1941. This line will call the method
>> “com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl.changeState(VMInstanceVO, Event,
>> Long, ItWorkVO, Step)” to change the VM state to migrating/prepare
>> migration/or something like that (I am guessing here), but for some
>> reason,
>> the state of the VM is not the one expected and this is causing a
>> “ConcurrentOperationException” to be thrown. The problem is that the
>> “com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl.changeState(VMInstanceVO, Event,
>> Long, ItWorkVO, Step)” does not seem to provide much useful log entries.
>> Just to enable us to discuss the problem a little further, could you tell
>> us a little bit about your environment setting? How many ACS MSs do you
>> have? What is the VM workload being migrated (I mean, the number of VMs
>> and
>> computing resources)? Do the other servers have enough computing resources
>> to support these VMs? Could you also check the XenServer logs, and check
>> what happened on both, source and destination hosts when the migration for
>> VM “i-638-1735-VM” was triggered?
>> Do you have the knowledge/skills to use an IDE (e.g. Eclipse) to connect
>> to
>> a running JVM and debug a code? Because for me it will not be possible to
>> go further without looking at the variables in a running environment.
>> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 4:28 AM, Francois Scheurer <
>> francois.scheu...@everyware.ch> wrote:
>> Dear Rafael
>>> Sorry for the late answer (was sick a couple of days).
>>> I confirm we are migrating inside the same xenserver pool (within a CS
>>> Cluster).
>>> Best Regards
>>> Francois
>>> On 26.01.2017 04:35, Rafael Weingärtner wrote:
>>> Found the code that is executed.
>>>> I need you to confirm if you are migrating within a cluster or across
>>>> clusters?
>>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 11:57 AM, Rafael Weingärtner <
>>>> rafaelweingart...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I do not have access to ACS code right now, but I suggest starting
>>>>> debugging here:
>>>>> 2017-01-24 18:05:28,427 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl]
>>>>>> (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e job-60216/job-191380
>>>>>> ctx-175d37df)
>>>>>> VM state transitted from :Running to Stopping with event:
>>>>>> StopRequestedvm's
>>>>>> original host id: 224 new host id: 15 host id before state transition:
>>>>>> 15
>>>>>> I would try to understand first why ACS requested the hypervisor to
>>>>>> stop
>>>>> the VM. I mean the following, check the source code for conditions that
>>>>> would make ACS request the shutdown of VMs.
>>>>> BTW: are you migrating within a cluster or across clusters?
>>>>> I will be able to analyze this further only after work hours, so if you
>>>>> find anything, keep me posted.
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Francois Scheurer <
>>>>> francois.scheu...@everyware.ch> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Rafael
>>>>>> I think the important log lines are these:
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,407 INFO
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) Migration cancelled because state
>>>>>> has
>>>>>> changed: VM[User|i-638-1736-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,407 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) Unable to migrate VM due to:
>>>>>> Migration
>>>>>> cancelled because state has changed: VM[User|i-638-1736-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,427 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) VM state transitted from :Running
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> Stopping with event: StopRequestedvm's original host id: 224 new host
>>>>>> id:
>>>>>> 15 host id before state transition: 15
>>>>>> The really disturbing thing is that CS stop again the VM if we start
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> manually, apparently because the migratingjob is still running.
>>>>>> Note the the VM HA Flag is enabled.
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> Best Regards.
>>>>>> Francois
>>>>>> more details:
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,148 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.e.o.VolumeOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) Preparing 3 volumes for
>>>>>> VM[User|i-638-1736-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,155 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher] (Work-Job-Executor-122:ctx-a8bacc64
>>>>>> job-14953/job-191351) Done with run of VM work job:
>>>>>> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for VM 1411, job origin: 14953
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,155 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-122:ctx-a8bacc64
>>>>>> job-14953/job-191351) Done executing com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> job-191351
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,160 INFO
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor] (Work-Job-Executor-122:ctx-a8bacc64
>>>>>> job-14953/job-191351) Remove job-191351 from job monitoring
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,168 INFO
>>>>>> [c.c.h.HighAvailabilityManagerImpl] (HA-Worker-2:ctx-f3bcf43c
>>>>>> work-1989)
>>>>>> Completed HAWork[1989-Migration-1411-Running-Migrating]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,246 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.a.m.ClusteredAgentAttache] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) Seq 19-8526158519542516375:
>>>>>> Forwarding
>>>>>> Seq 19-8526158519542516375:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345049103441, via:
>>>>>> 19(ewcstack-vh010-prod), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, [{
>>>>>> "com.cloud.agent.api.PrepareForMigrationCommand":{"vm":{"id"
>>>>>> :1736,"name":"i-638-1736-VM","bootloader":"PyGrub","type":"U
>>>>>> ser","cpus":4,"minSpeed":2100,"maxSpeed":2100,"minRam":17179
>>>>>> 869184,"maxRam":17179869184,"arch":"x86_64","os":"Other
>>>>>> (64-bit)","platformEmulator":"Other install
>>>>>> media","bootArgs":"","enable
>>>>>> HA":true,"limitCpuUse":true,"enableDynamicallyScaleVm":true,
>>>>>> "vncPassword":"pC1WUC7h1DBH9J36q3H9pg==","params":{"memoryOv
>>>>>> ercommitRatio":"1.0","platform":"viridian:true;acpi:1;apic:t
>>>>>> rue;pae:true;nx:true;timeoffset:-3601","keyboard":"us","Mess
>>>>>> age.ReservedCapacityFreed.Flag":"false","cpuOvercommitRatio":"4.0","
>>>>>> hypervisortoolsversion":"xenserver61"},"uuid":"5bff01de-c033
>>>>>> -4925-9e47-30dd14539272","disks":[{"data":{"org.apache.cloud
>>>>>> stack.storage.to.VolumeObjectTO":{"uuid":"1ab514b2-f2de-
>>>>>> 4d85-8e0d-9768184a1349","volumeType":"ROOT","dataStore":{"org.
>>>>>> apache.cloudstack.storage.to.PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"b8
>>>>>> 751b89-00f
>>>>>> 6-5079-ed7a-c073579c7563","id":64,"poolType":"PreSetup","hos
>>>>>> t":"localhost","path":"/b8751b89-00f6-5079-ed7a-c073579c7563
>>>>>> ","port":0,"url":"PreSetup://localhost/b8751b89-00f6-5079-ed
>>>>>> 7a-c073579c7563/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=b8751b89-00f6-5079-
>>>>>> ed7a-c073579c7563"}},"name":"ROOT-1736","size":53687091200,"path":"d3
>>>>>> f87e3c-1efe-42ad-aa93-609d5b980a34","volumeId":8655,"vmName"
>>>>>> :"i-638-1736-VM","accountId":638,"format":"VHD","provisionin
>>>>>> gType":"THIN","id":8655,"deviceId":0,"hypervisorType":"
>>>>>> XenServer"}},"diskSeq":0,"path":"d3f87e3c-1efe-42ad-aa93
>>>>>> -609d5b980a34","type":"ROOT","_details":{"managed":"false","
>>>>>> storagePort":"0",
>>>>>> "storageHost":"localhost","volumeSize":"53687091200"}},{"dat
>>>>>> a":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.VolumeObjectTO":{"uuid
>>>>>> ":"733df9dc-5e24-4ab9-b22b-bce78322428e","volumeType":"DATAD
>>>>>> ISK","dataStore":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.PrimaryD
>>>>>> ataStoreTO":{"uuid":"b8751b89-00f6-5079-ed7a-c073579c7563","id":64,"
>>>>>> poolType":"PreSetup","host":"localhost","path":"/b8751b89-00
>>>>>> f6-5079-ed7a-c073579c7563","port":0,"url":"PreSetup://localh
>>>>>> ost/b8751b89-00f6-5079-ed7a-c073579c7563/?ROLE=Primary&STORE
>>>>>> UUID=b8751b89-00f6-5079-ed7a-c073579c7563"}},"name":"WELLA-
>>>>>> DB1-NCSA_D","size":268435456000,"path":"265f168a-bb92-4591-a32b-ee3e2
>>>>>> 2c8cb68","volumeId":8656,"vmName":"i-638-1736-VM","accountId
>>>>>> ":638,"format":"VHD","provisioningType":"THIN","id":8656,"
>>>>>> deviceId":1,"hypervisorType":"XenServer"}},"diskSeq":1,"
>>>>>> path":"265f168a-bb92-4591-a32b-ee3e22c8cb68","type":"DATADIS
>>>>>> K","_details":{"managed":"false","storagePort":"0","stor
>>>>>> ageHost":"localhos
>>>>>> t","volumeSize":"268435456000"}},{"data":{"org.apache.clouds
>>>>>> tack.storage.to.VolumeObjectTO":{"uuid":"bda6f335-b8a3-479c-
>>>>>> 8c0d-41b344d2a50d","volumeType":"DATADISK","dataStore":{"org.
>>>>>> apache.cloudstack.storage.to.PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid"
>>>>>> :"09df3ca6-0a20-e4f0-3d79-12a6ed67a13d","id":89,"poolType":"
>>>>>> PreSetup","
>>>>>> host":"localhost","path":"/09df3ca6-0a20-e4f0-3d79-12a6ed67a
>>>>>> 13d","port":0,"url":"PreSetup://localhost/09df3ca6-0a20-e4f0
>>>>>> -3d79-12a6ed67a13d/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=09df3ca6-0a20-
>>>>>> e4f0-3d79-12a6ed67a13d"}},"name":"WELLA-DB1-NCSA_E","size
>>>>>> ":429496729600,"path":"612cb586-a70c-4896-b120-062ee7a67894"
>>>>>> ,"volumeId":86
>>>>>> 57,"vmName":"i-638-1736-VM","accountId":638,"format":"VHD","
>>>>>> provisioningType":"THIN","id":8657,"deviceId":2,"hypervisorT
>>>>>> ype":"XenServer"}},"diskSeq":2,"path":"612cb586-a70c-4896-b1
>>>>>> 20-062ee7a67894","type":"DATADISK","_details":{"managed":"
>>>>>> false","storagePort":"0","storageHost":"localhost","volumeSi
>>>>>> ze":"42949
>>>>>> 6729600"}},{"data":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.Templa
>>>>>> teObjectTO":{"uuid":"0e5bf4ff-caca-4b08-abed-7bbcdf3c42ef","
>>>>>> id":201,"format":"ISO","accountId":1,"hvm":true,"displayText
>>>>>> ":"xen-pv-drv-iso","name":"xs-tools.iso","guestOsType":"CentOS 4.5
>>>>>> (32-bit)","hypervisorType":"XenServer"}},"diskSeq":3,"type":"
>>>>>> ISO"}],"nics":[{"deviceId":0,"networkRateMbps":1000,"default
>>>>>> Nic":true,"pxeDisable":false,"nicUuid":"3523c3d3-9f92-4076-a
>>>>>> d99-f8864d0f0edd","uuid":"e6fbb257-16e1-415f-88fb-9a79b263b3
>>>>>> a8","ip":"","netmask":"","
>>>>>> gateway":"","mac":"02:00:0c:ae:00:0f","dns1":"8.8
>>>>>> .8.8","dns2":"8.8
>>>>>> .4.4","broadcastType":"Vlan","type":"Guest","broadcastUri":"
>>>>>> vlan://2285","isolationUri":"vlan://2285","isSecurityGroupEn
>>>>>> abled":false,"name":"bond0"}],"vcpuMaxLimit":16},"wait":0}}] } to
>>>>>> 345049098498
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,399 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
>>>>>> (AgentManager-Handler-10:null) Seq 19-8526158519542516375: Processing:
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> Ans: , MgmtId: 345049103441, via: 19, Ver: v1, Flags: 110,
>>>>>> [{"com.cloud.agent.api.PrepareForMigrationAnswer":{"result":
>>>>>> true,"wait":0}}]
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,399 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.a.m.AgentAttache]
>>>>>> (AgentManager-Handler-10:null) Seq 19-8526158519542516375: No more
>>>>>> commands
>>>>>> found
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,399 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
>>>>>> (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e job-60216/job-191380
>>>>>> ctx-175d37df)
>>>>>> Seq 19-8526158519542516375: Received:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345049103441,
>>>>>> via:
>>>>>> 19, Ver: v1, Flags: 110, { PrepareForMigrationAnswer } }
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,407 INFO
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) Migration cancelled because state
>>>>>> has
>>>>>> changed: VM[User|i-638-1736-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,407 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) Unable to migrate VM due to:
>>>>>> Migration
>>>>>> cancelled because state has changed: VM[User|i-638-1736-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,427 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) VM state transitted from :Running
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> Stopping with event: StopRequestedvm's original host id: 224 new host
>>>>>> id:
>>>>>> 15 host id before state transition: 15
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:28,438 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.a.m.ClusteredAgentAttache] (Work-Job-Executor-156:ctx-14b86f5e
>>>>>> job-60216/job-191380 ctx-175d37df) Seq 15-6889944479923437643:
>>>>>> Forwarding
>>>>>> Seq 15-6889944479923437643:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345049103441, via:
>>>>>> 15(ewcstack-vh011-prod), Ver: v1, Flags: 100011,
>>>>>> [{"com.cloud.agent.api.StopCommand":{"isProxy":false,"execut
>>>>>> eInSequence":false,"checkBeforeCleanup":false,"vmName":"i-
>>>>>> 638-1736-VM","wait":0}}]
>>>>>> } to 345049098498
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:30,335 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl] (AgentManager-Handler-1:null) SeqA
>>>>>> 254-800498:
>>>>>> Processing Seq 254-800498:  { Cmd , MgmtId: -1, via: 254, Ver: v1,
>>>>>> Flags:
>>>>>> 11, [{"com.cloud.agent.api.ConsoleProxyLoadReportCommand":{"_
>>>>>> proxyVmId":1530,"_loadInfo":"{\n
>>>>>> \"connections\": []\n}","wait":0}}] }
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:30,340 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl] (AgentManager-Handler-1:null) SeqA
>>>>>> 254-800498:
>>>>>> Sending Seq 254-800498:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345049103441, via: 254, Ver:
>>>>>> v1,
>>>>>> Flags: 100010, [{"com.cloud.agent.api.AgentCo
>>>>>> ntrolAnswer":{"result":true,"wait":0}}] }
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,447 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
>>>>>> (AgentManager-Handler-11:null) Seq 15-6889944479923437632: Processing:
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> Ans: , MgmtId: 345049103441, via: 15, Ver: v1, Flags: 10,
>>>>>> [{"com.cloud.agent.api.StopAnswer":{"platform":"viridian:tru
>>>>>> e;acpi:1;apic:true;pae:true;nx:true;timeoffset:3601","result
>>>>>> ":true,"details":"Stop
>>>>>> VM i-638-1735-VM Succeed","wait":0}}] }
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,447 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
>>>>>> (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528 job-13733/job-191379
>>>>>> ctx-bbabfeae)
>>>>>> Seq 15-6889944479923437632: Received:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345049103441,
>>>>>> via:
>>>>>> 15, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, { StopAnswer } }
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,470 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) VM[User|i-638-1735-VM] is stopped
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> host. Proceeding to release resource held.
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,475 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.n.NetworkModelImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Service SecurityGroup is not
>>>>>> supported
>>>>>> in the network id=519
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,478 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Changing active number of nics for
>>>>>> network id=519 on -1
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,488 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Asking VpcVirtualRouter to release
>>>>>> NicProfile[17403-1735-3364083b-dcc0-4eb9-a7f9-f3e85bf8c7d3-1
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,488 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Successfully released network
>>>>>> resources
>>>>>> for the vm VM[User|i-638-1735-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,488 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Successfully released storage
>>>>>> resources
>>>>>> for the vm VM[User|i-638-1735-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,496 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) VM state transitted from :Stopping
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> Stopped with event: OperationSucceededvm's original host id: 15 new
>>>>>> host
>>>>>> id: null host id before state transition: 15
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,505 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Hosts's actual total CPU: 82976 and
>>>>>> CPU
>>>>>> after applying overprovisioning: 331904
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,505 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Hosts's actual total RAM:
>>>>>> 261961927808
>>>>>> and RAM after applying overprovisioning: 261961924608
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,505 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) release cpu from host: 15, old
>>>>>> used:
>>>>>> 71300,reserved: 2100, actual total: 82976, total with
>>>>>> overprovisioning:
>>>>>> 331904; new used: 67100,reserved:6300; movedfromreserved:
>>>>>> false,moveToReserveredtrue
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,505 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) release mem from host: 15, old
>>>>>> used:
>>>>>> 98784247808,reserved: 1073741824, total: 261961924608; new used:
>>>>>> 94489280512,reserved:5368709120 <(53)%206870-9120>;
>>>>>> movedfromreserved:
>>>>>> false,moveToReserveredtrue
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,538 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.n.NetworkModelImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Service SecurityGroup is not
>>>>>> supported
>>>>>> in the network id=519
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,557 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.n.NetworkModelImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Service SecurityGroup is not
>>>>>> supported
>>>>>> in the network id=519
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,588 ERROR
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Invocation exception, caused by:
>>>>>> com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Unable to migrate
>>>>>> VM[User|i-638-1735-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,589 INFO
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379 ctx-bbabfeae) Rethrow exception
>>>>>> com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Unable to migrate
>>>>>> VM[User|i-638-1735-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,589 DEBUG
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Done with run of VM work job:
>>>>>> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway for VM 1735, job origin: 13733
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,589 ERROR
>>>>>> [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Unable to complete AsyncJobVO {id:191379,
>>>>>> userId:
>>>>>> 1,
>>>>>> accountId: 1, instanceType: null, instanceId: null, cmd:
>>>>>> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway, cmdInfo:
>>>>>> rO0ABXNyAB5jb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm
>>>>>> 1Xb3JrTWlncmF0ZUF3YXmt4MX4jtcEmwIAAUoACXNyY0hvc3RJZHhyABNjb2
>>>>>> 0uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3Jrn5m2VvAlZ2sCAARKAAlhY2NvdW50SWRKAAZ1c2
>>>>>> VySWRKAAR2bUlkTAALaGFuZGxlck5hbWV0ABJMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZz
>>>>>> FuYWdlckltcGwAAAAAAAAA4A,
>>>>>> cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0,
>>>>>> result: null, initMsid: 345049098498, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated:
>>>>>> null, lastPolled: null, created: Tue Jan 24 18:05:00 CET 2017}, job
>>>>>> origin:13733
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException:
>>>>>> Unable to migrate VM[User|i-638-1735-VM]
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineMan
>>>>>> agerImpl.orchestrateMigrateAway(VirtualMachineManagerImpl.java:2405)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineMan
>>>>>> agerImpl.orchestrateMigrateAway(VirtualMachineManagerImpl.java:4517)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAcc
>>>>>> essor402.invoke(Unknown
>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAc
>>>>>> cessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invok
>>>>>> e(Method.java:606)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at com.cloud.vm.VmWorkJobHandlerP
>>>>>> roxy.handleVmWorkJob(VmWorkJobHandlerProxy.java:107)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachineMan
>>>>>> agerImpl.handleVmWorkJob(VirtualMachineManagerImpl.java:4636)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at com.cloud.vm.VmWorkJobDispatch
>>>>>> er.runJob(VmWorkJobDispatcher.java:103)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at org.apache.cloudstack.framewor
>>>>>> k.jobs.impl.AsyncJobManagerImpl$5.runInContext(AsyncJobManag
>>>>>> erImpl.java:537)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.
>>>>>> context.ManagedContextRunnable$1.run(ManagedContextRunnable.java:49)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.
>>>>>> context.impl.DefaultManagedContext$1.call(DefaultManagedCont
>>>>>> ext.java:56)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.
>>>>>> context.impl.DefaultManagedContext.callWithContext(DefaultMa
>>>>>> nagedContext.java:103)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.
>>>>>> context.impl.DefaultManagedContext.runWithContext(DefaultMan
>>>>>> agedContext.java:53)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at org.apache.cloudstack.managed.
>>>>>> context.ManagedContextRunnable.run(ManagedContextRunnable.java:46)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at org.apache.cloudstack.framewor
>>>>>> k.jobs.impl.AsyncJobManagerImpl$5.run(AsyncJobManagerImpl.java:494)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at java.util.concurrent.Executors
>>>>>> $RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTas
>>>>>> k.run(FutureTask.java:262)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoo
>>>>>> lExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoo
>>>>>> lExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,590 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Complete async job-191379, jobStatus: FAILED,
>>>>>> resultCode: 0, result: rO0ABXNyAC9jb20uY2xvdWQudXRpbH
>>>>>> MuZXhjZXB0aW9uLkNsb3VkUnVudGltZUV4Y2VwdGlvbgAAAABWTU9yAwABSQ
>>>>>> ALY3NFcnJvckNvZGV4cgAaamF2YS5sYW5nLlJ1bnRpbWVFeGNlcHRpb26eXw
>>>>>> ZHCjSD5QIAAHhyABNqYXZhLmxhbmcuRXhjZXB0aW9u0P0fPho7HMQCAAB4cg
>>>>>> ATamF2YS5sYW5nLlRocm93YWJsZdXGNSc5d7jLAwAETAAFY2F1c2V0ABVMam
>>>>>> F2YS9sYW5nL1Rocm93YWJsZTtMAA1kZXRhaWxNZXNzYWdldAASTGphdmEvbG
>>>>>> FuZy9TdHJpbmc7WwAKc3RhY2tUcmFjZXQAHltMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0YWNrVH
>>>>>> JhY2VFbGVtZW50O0wAFHN1cHByZXNzZWRFeGNlcHRpb25zdAAQTGphdmEvdX
>>>>>> RpbC9MaXN0O3hwcQB-AAh0AChVbmFibGUgdG8gbWlncmF0ZSBWTVtVc2VyfG
>>>>>> ktNjM4LTE3MzUtVk1ddXIAHltMamF2YS5sYW5nLlN0YWNrVHJhY2VFbGVtZW
>>>>>> 50OwJGKjw8_SI5AgAAeHAAAAAUc3IAG2phdmEubGFuZy5TdGFja1RyYWNlRW
>>>>>> xlbWVudGEJxZomNt2FAgAESQAKbGluZU51bWJlckwADmRlY2xhcmluZ0NsYX
>>>>>> lldAAmY29tLmNsb3VkLnZtLlZpcnR1YWxNYWNoaW5lTWFuYWdlckltcGx0AB
>>>>>> 5WaXJ0dWFsTWFjaGluZU1hbmFnZXJJbXBsLmphdmF0ABZvcmNoZXN0cmF0ZU
>>>>>> 90ACZzdW4ucmVmbGVjdC5HZW5lcmF0ZWRNZXRob2RBY2Nlc3NvcjQwMnB0AA
>>>>>> ZpbnZva2VzcQB-AAwAAAArdAAoc3VuLnJlZmxlY3QuRGVsZWdhdGluZ01ldG
>>>>>> hvZEFjY2Vzc29ySW1wbHQAIURlbGVnYXRpbmdNZXRob2RBY2Nlc3NvckltcG
>>>>>> wuamF2YXEAfgAUc3EAfgAMAAACXnQAGGphdmEubGFuZy5yZWZsZWN0Lk1ldG
>>>>>> hvZHQAC01ldGhvZC5qYXZhcQB-ABRzcQB-AAwAAABrdAAiY29tLmNsb3VkLn
>>>>>> ZtLlZtV29ya0pvYkhhbmRsZXJQcm94eXQAGlZtV29ya0pvYkhhbmRsZXJQcm
>>>>>> 94eS5qYXZhdAAPaGFuZGxlVm1Xb3JrSm9ic3EAfgAMAAASHHEAfgAOcQB-
>>>>>> AA9xAH4AHnNxAH4ADAAAAGd0ACBjb20uY2xvdWQudm0uVm1Xb3JrSm9iRGlz
>>>>>> cGF0Y2hlcnQAGFZtV29ya0pvYkRpc3BhdGNoZXIuamF2YXQABnJ1bkpvYnNx
>>>>>> AH4ADAAAAhl0AD9vcmcuYXBhY2hlLmNsb3Vkc3RhY2suZnJhbWV3b3JrLmpv
>>>>>> YnMuaW1wbC5Bc3luY0pvYk1hbmFnZXJJbXBsJDV0ABhBc3luY0pvYk1hbmFn
>>>>>> ZXJJbXBsLmphdmF0AAxydW5JbkNvbnRleHRzcQB-AAwAAAAxdAA-b3JnLmFw
>>>>>> YWNoZS5jbG91ZHN0YWNrLm1hbmFnZWQuY29udGV4dC5NYW5hZ2VkQ29udGV4
>>>>>> dFJ1bm5hYmxlJDF0ABtNYW5hZ2VkQ29udGV4dFJ1bm5hYmxlLmphdmF0AANy
>>>>>> dW5zcQB-AAwAAAA4dABCb3JnLmFwYWNoZS5jbG91ZHN0YWNrLm1hbmFnZWQu
>>>>>> Y29udGV4dC5pbXBsLkRlZmF1bHRNYW5hZ2VkQ29udGV4dCQxdAAaRGVmYXVs
>>>>>> dE1hbmFnZWRDb250ZXh0LmphdmF0AARjYWxsc3EAfgAMAAAAZ3QAQG9yZy5h
>>>>>> cGFjaGUuY2xvdWRzdGFjay5tYW5hZ2VkLmNvbnRleHQuaW1wbC5EZWZhdWx0
>>>>>> ADVxAH4AMXEAfgAudAAOcnVuV2l0aENvbnRleHRzcQB-AAwAAAAudAA8b3Jn
>>>>>> LmFwYWNoZS5jbG91ZHN0YWNrLm1hbmFnZWQuY29udGV4dC5NYW5hZ2VkQ29u
>>>>>> dGV4dFJ1bm5hYmxlcQB-ACpxAH4AK3NxAH4ADAAAAe5xAH4AJXEAfgAmcQB-
>>>>>> ACtzcQB-AAwAAAHXdAAuamF2YS51dGlsLmNvbmN1cnJlbnQuRXhlY3V0b3Jz
>>>>>> JFJ1bm5hYmxlQWRhcHRlcnQADkV4ZWN1dG9ycy5qYXZhcQB-AC9zcQB-AAwA
>>>>>> AAEGdAAfamF2YS51dGlsLmNvbmN1cnJlbnQuRnV0dXJlVGFza3QAD0Z1dHVy
>>>>>> ZVRhc2suamF2YXEAfgArc3EAfgAMAAAEeXQAJ2phdmEudXRpbC5jb25jdXJy
>>>>>> ZW50LlRocmVhZFBvb2xFeGVjdXRvcnQAF1RocmVhZFBvb2xFeGVjdXRvci5q
>>>>>> YXZhdAAJcnVuV29ya2Vyc3EAfgAMAAACZ3QALmphdmEudXRpbC5jb25jdXJy
>>>>>> ZW50LlRocmVhZFBvb2xFeGVjdXRvciRXb3JrZXJxAH4AQHEAfgArc3EAfgAM
>>>>>> JmphdmEudXRpbC5Db2xsZWN0aW9ucyRVbm1vZGlmaWFibGVMaXN0_A8lMbXs
>>>>>> jhACAAFMAARsaXN0cQB-AAd4cgAsamF2YS51dGlsLkNvbGxlY3Rpb25zJFVu
>>>>>> bW9kaWZpYWJsZUNvbGxlY3Rpb24ZQgCAy173HgIAAUwAAWN0ABZMamF2YS91
>>>>>> dGlsL0NvbGxlY3Rpb247eHBzcgATamF2YS51dGlsLkFycmF5TGlzdHiB0h2Z
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,592 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Publish async job-191379 complete on message bus
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,592 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Wake up jobs related to job-191379
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,592 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Update db status for job-191379
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,594 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Wake up jobs joined with job-191379 and disjoin
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> subjobs created from job- 191379
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,604 DEBUG
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Done executing com.cloud.vm.VmWorkMigrateAway
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> job-191379
>>>>>> ewcstack-man02-prod: 2017-01-24 18:05:32,608 INFO
>>>>>> [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor] (Work-Job-Executor-115:ctx-0d5db528
>>>>>> job-13733/job-191379) Remove job-191379 from job monitoring
>>>>>> On 25.01.2017 15:53, Rafael Weingärtner wrote:
>>>>>> Did you check the ACS log files looking for some exceptions when the
>>>>>>> migrations for this specific VM started?
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 9:49 AM, Francois Scheurer <
>>>>>>> francois.scheu...@everyware.ch> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear CS contributors
>>>>>>> We use CS 4.5.1 on a 3 Clusters with XenServer 6.5. and shared
>>>>>>>> primary
>>>>>>>> storage.
>>>>>>>> When we put a host in maintenance, cs evacuates all VM's on other
>>>>>>>> hosts.
>>>>>>>> But it happens regularly that some VM's are stopped instead of live
>>>>>>>> migrated.
>>>>>>>> If we restart that stopped VM's, CS will then stop them again later.
>>>>>>>> We need to start them several times until they stays up.
>>>>>>>> Is it a known issue? Is it fixed on CS 4.9.2 ?
>>>>>>>> Migrating manually all VM's is working but impracticable because too
>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>> time consuming.
>>>>>>>> Many thanks in advance for your help.
>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>> Francois
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> EveryWare AG
>>>>>>>> François Scheurer
>>>>>>>> Senior Systems Engineer
>>>>>>>> Zurlindenstrasse 52a
>>>>>>>> CH-8003 Zürich
>>>>>>>> tel: +41 44 466 60 00
>>>>>>>> fax: +41 44 466 60 10
>>>>>>>> mail: francois.scheu...@everyware.ch
>>>>>>>> web: http://www.everyware.ch
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> EveryWare AG
>>>>>> François Scheurer
>>>>>> Senior Systems Engineer
>>>>>> Zurlindenstrasse 52a
>>>>>> CH-8003 Zürich
>>>>>> tel: +41 44 466 60 00
>>>>>> fax: +41 44 466 60 10
>>>>>> mail: francois.scheu...@everyware.ch
>>>>>> web: http://www.everyware.ch
>>>>>> --
>>>>> Rafael Weingärtner
>>>> --
>>> EveryWare AG
>>> François Scheurer
>>> Senior Systems Engineer
>>> Zurlindenstrasse 52a
>>> CH-8003 Zürich
>>> tel: +41 44 466 60 00
>>> fax: +41 44 466 60 10
>>> mail: francois.scheu...@everyware.ch
>>> web: http://www.everyware.ch
> --
> EveryWare AG
> François Scheurer
> Senior Systems Engineer
> Zurlindenstrasse 52a
> CH-8003 Zürich
> tel: +41 44 466 60 00
> fax: +41 44 466 60 10
> mail: francois.scheu...@everyware.ch
> web: http://www.everyware.ch

Rafael Weingärtner

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