
Ansible 2.4 is in feature freeze and to be released in a couple of days.
Let me give you a summary about the CloudStack related changes:

# New Modules

We have a handful of new modules:


The module cs_nic, introduced in 2.3 is maked as deprecated and replaced
by cs_instance_nic_secondaryip.

For a full overview of all modules, head over to the official docs

# Automated Integration tests

I am very proud to present Ansible's fully automated integration test
suite of a cloudstack simulator, currently in versino 4.9.2, in docker.

This means, a new PR against a ansible cloudstack modules starts a
cloudsatck simulator and runs the integration test, fully automated.

But this is also for you, having docker installed you are a few commands
away to run a test run locally. To make it clear, this does it all for
you: It downloads the docker image, waits until booted, setup 2
cloudstack zones (basic, advanced, configures auth to run ansible
against the API.

How does this work?

## Get latest Ansible as virtual env (in the current terminal session)

$ git clone g...@github.com:ansible/ansible.git
$ cd ansible
$ source ./hacking/env-setup

## Run the full test suite

$ cd test/integration/
$ ansible-test integration cloud/cs -v --diff

## Run a subset e.g. cs_instance

$ ansible-test integration cloud/cs/cs_instance -v --diff

The docker image is located at the ansible project or
https://github.com/resmo/docker-cloudstack-simulator-for-ansible. I am
currently working to upgrade it to 4.10, which needs some adjustments in
the creationals handling as this as been changed.

# Full log of CloudStack related changes

See https://gist.github.com/resmo/5e5fcf0bd941421682c4771e28112e05 for a
full log of cloudstack related changes. Thanks for all contributors

Take care

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