After some help from the group I started the installation of Cloud Stack 4.10 
but when running the configuration I got the error that my XenServer was 
missing some fixes, my xenserver 7 has all fixes, does any one has an idea what 
the problem could be?
I ran all fixes on my server and at the end I restarted XenServer or I need to 
restart the server every time the fix requires to do it?
Thank you for your help
Ubuntu 14.04XenServer 7CS: 4.10

2017-09-08 20:12:48,810 WARN  [c.c.a.d.ParamGenericValidationWorker] 
(catalina-exec-14:ctx-4d775a77 ctx-d4ff0eed) (logid:b1216b0c) Received unknown 
parameters for command addHost. Unknown parameters : clustertype2017-09-08 
20:12:48,840 INFO  [c.c.r.ResourceManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-14:ctx-4d775a77 
ctx-d4ff0eed) (logid:b1216b0c) Trying to add a new host at http://10.0.040 in 
data center 12017-09-08 20:12:48,921 DEBUG [c.c.h.x.r.XenServerConnectionPool] 
(catalina-exec-14:ctx-4d775a77 ctx-d4ff0eed) (logid:b1216b0c) Unable to create 
master connection to host( , due to 
org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: Failed to read server's response: Connection 
refused (Connection refused)2017-09-08 20:12:48,923 DEBUG 
[c.c.h.x.d.XcpServerDiscoverer] (catalina-exec-14:ctx-4d775a77 ctx-d4ff0eed) 
(logid:b1216b0c) other exceptions: 
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Unable to create master 
connection to host( , due to org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: 
Failed to read server's response: Connection refused (Connection 
refused)com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Unable to create 
master connection to host( , due to 
org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: Failed to read server's response: Connection 
refused (Connection refused)

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