Hi there 

I´m struggeling with template set password script. It won´t set password with 
instance creation. 

In template logs i can see.. 
Nov 11 19:32:59 localhost cloud: Got response from server 
Nov 11 19:32:59 localhost cloud: VM has already saved a password from the 
password server at 

With manual try with wget 
[root@centostest2 log]# wget -q -t 3 -T 20 -O - --header "DomU_Request: 
send_my_password" xx.x.xx.x.x:8080 

However password is set properly next time after i shutdown instance and choose 
set password. 

Is there any limitation/configuration/bug what im missing with instance 
creation ? 

Im using ver 4.10 and template is centos 7 

Any advice or hint is most appreciated. 


Kristian Liivak 
WaveCom As 
Kotka 26, 11312 Tallinn 

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