Just some information, public ip of the proxy VM is, and the
browser is looking for this IP instade of actual nated ip. if I can map
this to a name I should be able to use that internally and externally how
can I go about doing this and is this a good idea?

Thanks and Best Regards


On 13 November 2017 at 14:55, Asanka Gunasekara <asa...@nimbus.lk> wrote:

> Hi my cloudstac setup is behind a firewall (Nated) I am able to access the
> portal by nating 8080 to an public up. and all works fine but but when I
> click on a console of a guest VM it is looking for the internal ip (the
> range I specified as public while creating the Zone)
> What are the ports that I need to nat out or how to fix this
> Thanks and best regards
> Asanka

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