Hi all,
I'm trying to install the CCS on a test environment cloudstack 4.5 on ubuntu and kvm as a hypervisor.

I followed the  "CCS Installation and Administation Guide" and the installation ends whithout errors but I think I have indicated an incorrect value of the endpoint APIs to the ccs-template-install command.

When I create a new cluster container I see that VMs are generated but after a while the process hangs and goes into the error state.

In the logs I can read a series of :

2018-03-23 10:49:02,372 DEBUG [c.c.c.ContainerClusterManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-17:ctx-13984554 job-102 ctx-1da2afd3) Waiting for container cluster: XXX API endpoint to be available. retry: 0/10
2018-03-23 10:56:32,391 DEBUG [c.c.c.ContainerClusterManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-17:ctx-13984554 job-102 ctx-1da2afd3) Waiting for container cluster: XXX API endpoint to be available. retry: 9/10
2018-03-23 10:57:22,391 WARN  [c.c.c.ContainerClusterManagerImpl] (API-Job-Executor-17:ctx-13984554 job-102 ctx-1da2afd3) Failed to setup container cluster XXX in usable state as unable to bring the API server up

How can I make it work?

Thanks in advance


*Ugo Vasi* / System Administrator
ugo.v...@procne.it <mailto:ugo.v...@procne.it>

*Procne S.r.l.*
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