I am probably missing something obvious but according to this article 
  by default primary and secondary storage traffic travels across the 
management network.

As an example assume basic networking with 2 NICS, one for management with an 
IP subnet,  the other NIC for guest traffic using a different subnet. A 
physical host should only have one default gateway and this would have to be 
from the guest VM subnet.

I setup two tests  -

1) the NFS server had an IP address from the management subnet

2) the NFS server was on a completely different IP subnet ie. not the 
management or the guest IP subnets.

Both worked but in test 2 I can't see how the storage traffic could be using 
the management NIC because there is no default gateway on the compute nodes for 
the management subnet and the NFS server is on a remote network.

So is storage traffic in test 2 actually running across the guest NIC ?

And as the recommendation is to have separate storage from guest traffic does 
this mean the NFS server has to be in the management subnet ?


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