Hello, Felipe, Doesn't your traffic rate limiter protect you? If you care
more about security, then sniff traffic like
https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon and integrate it with your ACS
to suspend attacker.

BTW, It probably DoS, not DDoS.

2018-07-07 0:35 GMT+07:00 Felipe Rossi <fel...@brascloud.com.br.invalid>:

> Hi People,
> How we can solve problem of customer of same network generate DDoS attack
> for customer of same public network on ACS.
> Let me know if understand.
> Today we use XenServer with hypervisor.
> Att / Regards

With best regards, Ivan Kudryavtsev
Bitworks Software, Ltd.
Cell: +7-923-414-1515
WWW: http://bitworks.software/ <http://bw-sw.com/>

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