Hi Ugo

CloudStack assigns three names for guest VM instance for use in different 
contexts and only allows user control for 2. It does now allow alterations to 
the instance name.
"Instance name – a unique, immutable ID that is generated by CloudStack and 
cannot be modified by the user. This name conforms to the requirements in IETF 
RFC 1123."
See documentation: 


On 2018/09/19, 12:33, "Ivan Kudryavtsev" <kudryavtsev...@bw-sw.com> wrote:

    Hey, Ugo. It is possible through API, AFAIK. CloudStack UI doesn't support
    2018-09-19 17:27 GMT+07:00 Ugo Vasi <ugo.v...@procne.it.invalid>:
    > Hi all,
    > from the cloudstack web interface (version 4.11.1 in my case) I can only
    > change the "Display name" by stopping the instance and clicking the icon.
    > Is it possible to change the instance name?
    > Is it dangerous to change the field in the database?
    > Thanks in advance
    > --
    > *Ugo Vasi* / System Administrator
    > ugo.v...@procne.it <mailto:ugo.v...@procne.it>
    > *Procne S.r.l.*
    > +39 0432 486 523
    > via Cotonificio, 45
    > 33010 Tavagnacco (UD)
    > www.procne.it <http://www.procne.it/>
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    > soggetto diverso dal destinatario è proibita sia ai sensi dell'art. 616
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    > errore, vi preghiamo di distruggerlo e di informare immediatamente Procne
    > S.r.l. scrivendo all' indirizzo e-mail i...@procne.it <mailto:
    > i...@procne.it>.
    With best regards, Ivan Kudryavtsev
    Bitworks LLC
    Cell: +7-923-414-1515
    WWW: http://bitworks.software/ <http://bw-sw.com/>

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