
I'm trying to set up a small Cloudstack setup on a test bench, but I'm
having issues getting the host/agent running properly.

First, here's the configuration of the test bench:

Server #1:
Hardware - Two active NICs: one that goes out to the company's network
(we'll call it Outer), the other into a switch on the bench (into a private
subnet that we'll call Inner). HP Proliant DG380 G5 (2x quad-core Intel
Xeon - they do not support nested virtualization, 6GB RAM, HP P400 RAID
controller running a single SATA HDD)
Software: ESXi 5.5. Two virtual routers, one for each NIC. Two virtual
machines: an Ubuntu VM that acts as a NAT router and bridge between Inner
and Outer (we'll call it RT), and a Cloudstack management server
(functional, we'll call it CSMan) connected to Inner.

Server #2:
Hardware: One active NIC on Inner. Same hardware as Server #1 except it is
using a single SAS drive.
Software: CentOS 6.10 KVM host configured as per the "KVM Setup and
Installation" section of this guide:
. NIC is configured with a static Inner IP, gateway is RT, DNS servers are
the company's.

Switch: Completely unconfigured Netgear 24-port switch. On the Inner
network, there is no DHCP or DNS setup (as the guide I used specifically
says to not add one for the purposes of this setup)

Laptop: Simple laptop, Windows 10, configured with an address on Outer,
default gateway is RT. Connects to Server #1 via the vSphere client using
an Outer address, connects to the VMs and Server #2 via PuTTY using an
Inner address

Now onto the problem:
CSMan simply fails to add the host, and I can't find any information on why
that is (can't find logs). Server #2, on the other hand, fails to complete
the cloudstack-setup-agent command, returning the error "Failed to get
default route. Please configure your network ot have a default route."

Searching the issue only returns a few mail threads that failed to help,
and searching the error only returns installation guides and what appears
to be the source for Cloudstack.

Where should I start to even troubleshoot the issue?

Thank you very much for your help.

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