Hi Ivan - just installed and looking good! What's your long term plan for 
advanced zones / network management?

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 27/11/2018, 22:12, "Ivan Kudryavtsev" <kudryavtsev...@bw-sw.com> wrote:

    Dear community. New CSUI release is out. Release info is published in
    Russian and English languages:
    EN: https://bitworks.software/en/2018-11-27-cloudstack-ui-141125-is-out.html
    RU: https://bitworks.software/2018-11-27-cloudstack-ui-141125-is-out.html
    The most important features:
    - VM snapshots are implemented.
    - Right sidebar width can be changed by the user with 'drag & drop' action.
    Release 1.411.26 will extend and improve LogView Plugin support.
    Release 1.411.27 will introduce some new features which start the framework
    for Dockerized applications deployments with 'docker stack' into
    provisioned VMs:
    With best regards, Ivan Kudryavtsev
    Bitworks LLC
    Cell RU: +7-923-414-1515
    Cell USA: +1-201-257-1512
    WWW: http://bitworks.software/ <http://bw-sw.com/>

Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK

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