I mean before restarting network. I have deleted and re-created VR but it
returns empty response when VM requests latest user-data

On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 12:12 PM Riepl, Gregor (SWISS TXT) <
gregor.ri...@swisstxt.ch> wrote:

> > When I pass base64 encoded user data to deployvirtualmachine Api, VR
> > returns empty script upon calling http://VR_IP/latest/user-data from
> > within
> > the VM. ACS version is It was working before. I've tried
> > restarting network.
> What do you mean exactly, when you say "It was working before"?
> Did it suddenly stop working?
> Did you upgrade CloudStack from a previous version? Which one?
> Other than that, this sounds like a bug. You should probably create a
> Github issue for it.

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