Hi all,
on a host that use this new storage I found a problem that could be related
to the fact that the statistics are not being updated.

After migrating a newly created VM to the new storage server, a series of
messages like the following appear in the agent logs:

2020-01-07 17:30:45,868 WARN  [cloud.agent.Agent]
(agentRequest-Handler-2:null) (logid:c023b7f8) Caught:
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Can't find

Looking for the volume uuid "d93d3c0a-3859-4473-951d-9b5c5912c767" I found
that it belongs to the VM just migrated but has a different "path" column
value (normally I see that the values of the two tables coincide).

On the other hand, there is another record in the volumes table with uuid =
NULL and path = d93d3c0a-3859-4473-951d-9b5c5912c767 with state=Expunged.

Could this be the cause of the failure to update the volume data statistics?

Il giorno mar 17 dic 2019 alle ore 15:32 charlie Holeowsky <
charlie.holeow...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> any idea about about this problem?
> Il giorno mar 10 dic 2019 alle ore 17:23 charlie Holeowsky <
> charlie.holeow...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> Hi users,
>> I recently added a new primary nfs storage to my cluster (cloudstack
>> 4.11.2 with kvm on the Ubuntu system).
>> It works well but on the metrics of the VM storage volume the "physical
>> size" and "usage" columns are empty while in the rows of the VM of the
>> other primary storage I can see the right data.
>> Where can i go to look to see where the problem is?
>> Thanks
>> Charlie

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