Hi all,

We are running 4.11.3 with a single zone, that zone is working without issue.  
We are trying to add a second zone to the installation, and everything seems to 
go well, except we are confused on how the SystemVM templates should be handled 
for the new zone.  The new zone has its own secondary storage (NFS).  When 
Cloudstack sees the new Zone, it attempts to provision a Secondary Storage VM.  
However, it is unable to because the SystemVM Template doesn't exist on the new 
secondary storage (NFS).

Are we supposed to pre-populate another copy of the SystemVM Template in the 
additional zone and secondary storage?  Or should cloudstack copy the existing 
SystemVM Template (which is set as cross-zone) to the new zone for us?  Here is 
some detailed information:

MariaDB [cloud]> SELECT id,name,type,cross_zones,state FROM cloud.vm_template 
WHERE name like '%systemvm-kvm%' AND removed IS NULL;
| id  | name                         | type    | cross_zones | state    |
| 344 | systemvm-kvm-4.11.3          | SYSTEM  |           1 | Active   |

MariaDB [cloud]> select id,store_id,template_id,install_path, download_state 
from template_store_ref;
| id  | store_id | template_id | install_path                                   
                        | download_state |
| 666 |        1 |         344 | 
template/tmpl/2/344/182f0a79-1e16-3e53-a6e9-fcffe5f11c3e.qcow2         | 
| 756 |       16 |         344 | template/tmpl/1/344/                           
                        | DOWNLOADED     |

Why in the template_store_ref table did cloudstack add a new row with 
"downloaded" and missing a filename in the "install_path"?

The KVM host cannot mount the template on the new secondary storage, because it 
isn't there yet (should cloudstack be copying that template from the existing 
zone to the new one for us?):
2020-03-27 18:51:40,626 ERROR [kvm.storage.LibvirtStorageAdaptor] 
(agentRequest-Handler-2:null) (logid:6b50f03a) Failed to create netfs mount:
org.libvirt.LibvirtException: internal error: Child process (/usr/bin/mount 
/mnt/b69caab0-4c1e-34b6-94b8-2617ba561e9a -o nodev,nosuid,noexec) unexpected 
exit status 32: mount.nfs: mounting failed, reason given by 
server: No such file or directory


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