
I would not use Gluster in production for VM workloads, perhaps as secondary storage where there are mostly sequential writes involved rather than load of random I/O, it would be fast at that.

CEPH is a much better choice, it's user base is an order of magnitude larger and so many more problems and corner cases covered. CEPH is however also much more complex to deploy and maintain so you should do a few trials before that.

You should be able to get a HA CEPH deployment up and running, I do not think they do deduplication though and neither GlusterFS afaik. I would imagine any deduplication process would put a crippling amount of load on the performance or require ludicrous amounts of extra resources.



On 2020-04-24 13:05, Pratik Chandrakar wrote:
I am using gluster 5.11 (3 node replication on raid 5) as a primary
storage for cloudstack 4.11.2 on Centos 7.7, the setup is running
stable for more then a year but performance of VM degraded very much
with the increasing number of active VMs, UI response, boot time of
VMs are also slow. One more problem which I face with the VMs which
has more than 500 GB of storage doesn't start in case of stopped
status without manual intervention of attaching and detaching of data
volumes. Therefore I am planning to migrate to Ceph RBD. Will it be a
right choice or something else should be considered because HA and
deduplication is a must have requirement??
I know it's a naive question but didn't found answer on google.

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