Hi All,

I have a production deployment of ACS managing three XenServer Clusters 
(XenServer pools of 6 hosts each) in two different Zones. I now find myself in 
the position of needing to do a major version upgrade of those hosts. Happily I 
have a ACS lab managing a XenServer cluster running the same (old) version of 
XenServer that I can practice on.

I have plenty of practice operating ACS to “quiesce things” for XenServer 
patches (start with the pool master, move guest VMs off, put that host into 
maintenance mode, unmanage the cluster, patch the host, then reverse & move 
onto the next host with the same steps except we don’t bother 
w/un-managing/re-managing the cluster), but as I understand a XenServer version 
upgrade backs up the whole original XenServer installation to another partition 
and makes a clean installation of XenServer on the original partition (the 
problem there being that when the upgraded XenServer boots up all the ACS 
provided/copied scripts are not there & ACS can’t manage the host).

So not much of an ask here (OK maybe at the end – have I missed something 
obvious or doing anything foolish?), I wanted to share a bit research & lay out 
a set of steps that I think will work to get a pool of XenServers in a cluster 
upgraded and end up in a place where ACS is happy with them.

Bear with me it’s a little long,

  1.  In XenCenter – if HA is enabled for the XenServer pool, disable it
  2.  Stop ACS management/usage services
  3.  Do MySQL database backups
  4.  Start ACS management/usage services
  5.  Start with the pool master.
  6.  In ACS – Migrate all guest VMs to other hosts in the cluster
  7.  In ACS – Prepare to put the pool master into maintenance mode (so no new 
guest VMs)
     *   A caveat here related to this item I found when researching – 

                                                               i.      A 
recommendation is made here to edit 

                                                             ii.      And set 

                                                           iii.      And 
restart CloudStack management services

                                                           iv.      BECAUSE if 
one didn’t I understand CloudStack WOULD force an election for another host to 
become the pool master (which is “bad” as ASCs is configured to speak to the 
currently configured pool master)


                                                               i.      Found a 
thread titled “A Story of a failed XenServer Upgrade” here – 

                                                             ii.      At the 
end of the thread Paul Angus states that Geoff’s ShapeBlue blog article was 
written in the ACS 4.3 era and that ACS’ behavior “used to be that putting a 
host that was the pool master into maintenance would cause CloudStack to force 
an election for another host to become pool master - stopping you from then 
upgrading the active pool master first. There wasn't an 'unmanage' button at 
the time.”

                                                           iii.      The 
implication, (in my humble estimation) is that, today, one no longer needs to 
make these edits to /etc/cloudstack/management/environment.properties

  1.  In ACS – Put the pool master into maintenance mode (so no new guest VMs)
  2.  In ACS – Un-manage the cluster
  3.  NOW – Upgrade the XenServer pool master to the latest release
     *   Exercise left to the reader…(I’ll share what I end up doing)
  4.  In XenServer – Do the following (found this nugget in a thread last 
November about XenServer upgrades & how to re-setup the host – thanks Richard 
     *   Remove this host tag: xe host-param-remove uuid=HOSTUUID 
     *   This makes management server set the host back up, presumably since 
ACS has credentials to the host in the database it can copy all the scripts back
  5.  In ACS – Re-manage the cluster
  6.  In ACS – Exit maintenance-mode for the newly upgraded host
  7.  In ACS – Observe that the newly upgraded host is “Enabled” and “Up” in 
the UI (Infrastructure --> Hosts)
  8.  In ACS – Testing (e.g. move an existing router/VM to the upgraded host, 
create new networks/VMs on the upgraded host)
  9.  Rinse & repeat with the remaining XenServer pool members in the ACS 
     *   WITH THIS EXCEPTION: No need to manipulate management of the cluster 
in ACS
  10. In XenCenter – if HA is required re-enable it

Now all of this completely bypasses steps that are spelled out here (which I 
*suspect* might now be “old”?):


which asks one to run a lot of scripts (cleaning VLANs, preparing for upgrade 
etc.) in addition to copying files from the management server to the XenServer 
host (to set it back up again for ACS). I’m really hoping that step 11 saves me 
from that.

So (asks after all):

  1.  Is this a reasonable/viable plan?
  2.  Is my take on step 7 correct?

Thanks for taking a look,

David Merrill
Senior Systems Engineer,
Managed and Private/Hybrid Cloud Services
92 Oak Street, Portland ME 04101
office 207.772.5678<callto:207.772.5678>

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