Hi Victor,

To allow passing configurations to VMs you first need to set this setting to 
true: 'enable.additional.vm.configuration'.

You have added the value correctly on 
'allow.additional.vm.configuration.list.kvm' but you'll need to encode the XML 
section you want to add to your VM and set it as the 'extraconfig' parameter on 
deploy/update VM API.

Please check this blog post and video for more detailed information:

  *   https://youtu.be/5QXQJ5asWvI


Nicolas Vazquez

From: Victor Racy <victor.r...@aodigital.com.br>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 12:28 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: VM Settings


I use cloudstack with KVM and I'm trying to add new information to the XML
file of one of my VM's, to be more precise I want to add a new disk to it
without using the Storage function.

What I tried so far was using the VM Settings and extraconfig to pass on a
URL with the configuration of my disk (which is actually a LUN) but I'm not
sure how that works and the Documentation did help me much. So as a simpler
question I want to know how I can add new stuff to a VM's XML file through

I added a value to
and used this value ("disk" in this case) as my name when creating a new
Setting in the VM and then put "extraconfig=myURL" in the value for the VM
Setting. Is this right?
I'm not sure what I should put as value in this Global Setting and not sure
if it matters what I put as name in the VM Settings.

If you could explain to me how that works or if there's better
documentation or a video tutorial on VM Settings cause the official one did
not help me.

Thank you!!

Victor Racy

Analista de Infraestrutura

+55 (11) 3842-8636

victor.r...@aodigital.com.br <el...@aodigital.com.br>


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  • VM Settings Victor Racy
    • Re: VM Settings Nicolas Vazquez

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