Hello Folks,

I am using CloudStack 4.13 with KVM. We are having 2-3 KVM Zones ( Both Basic 
and Advance Zone ).  Somehow systemvm got destroyed for KVM Zones. I tried to 
re-register the system template.

1- I tried to upload the system VM template via GUI and change the same name in 
“router.template.kvm” in global setting but it’s  did’t work.
2- I tried to register the system VM template using the command on ACS - 

-m /mnt -u 
 -h kvm -F
ERROR 1292 (22007) at line 1: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'NULL'
--2020-09-23 18:06:29--  
Resolving download.cloudstack.org (download.cloudstack.org)..., 
Connecting to download.cloudstack.org 
(download.cloudstack.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 304543275 (290M) [application/x-bzip2]
Saving to: 

 304,543,275 8.68MB/s   in 40s

2020-09-23 18:07:10 (7.31 MB/s) - 
 saved [304543275/304543275]

Uncompressing to 
 (type bz2)...could take a long time
Moving to 
take a while
Successfully installed system VM template  to /mnt/template/tmpl/1/NULL/

It’s also didn’t work for me. Is there anything else I need to take care ?

Can someone help how to re-register the systemVM template again.

Vivek Kumar

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