I did it in a different way but not using rabbitmq.

I wrote a separate application which calls listEvents every minutes and 
collects all the events which can later fed into another rabbitmq or Kafka or 
elk stack.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 09-Nov-2020, at 1:15 PM, Niclas Lindblom 
> <niclas_lindb...@icloud.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would appreciate some help with setting up events to be consumed using 
> AQMP. I have limited knowledge with rabbitmq and have got to the following 
> point 
> 1. I have 2 cloudstack management servers (this is not a production 
> environment)
> 2. I have configured both with the spring-event-bus-context.xml as per the 
> 4.14 documentation and my understanding is that there is no further software 
> to be installed.
> 3. I have a rabbitmq server on a separate server and I can see the 
> cloudstack-events Exchange being created once I restart the management service
> 4. I have recreated the exchange as fanout and bound it to a queue 
> I can’t see any events coming through when setting up a consumer using the 
> basic python code from rabbitmq’s tutorial, but if I publish an event using 
> the same example code to the same queue it does come through.
> Questions 
> 1 Am I missing something in my configuration ?
> 2. What should I set the routing key to, with fanout out I believe the 
> routing key is ignored but for reference.
> 2. How can I confirm that messages are being sent from the server, the only 
> evidence I have is the exchange being created once the management service was 
> restart
> 3. I can’t see anything pointing towards messages being sent in the 
> management log, should I ?
> The endgame here is to consume these events with a Stackstorm sensor to 
> trigger automation, any pointers would be appreciated
> Thanks
> Niclas

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