Hi guys,
I'm trying to fresh install a CS 4.14 with an S3 secondary storage.
For the systemvm template download part (cloud-install-sys-tmplt), I have
used an NFS server.
When I tried to define S3 secondary storage, I have added the mentioned NFS
server as a staging NFS server.
But when I check systemvm template status, I get this message:
DOWNLOAD_ERROR: Timeout waiting for response from storage host
Notice that I'm in the initialization state of CS installation, so there is
no SSVM. The environment consists of CS, NFS and S3. I have checked that S3
is visible from NFS and CS.
I have also analyzed the CS traffic at the time of adding secondary storage
with Wireshark. It seems that CS doesn't even try to resolve the domain
name of S3.
So I'm in doubt that CS is really designed to use S3 as its secondary
storage in initialization state.

Here is the debug log:

2021-02-19 01:25:03,396 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513) (logid:943c72e7) ===START===
-- GET
2021-02-19 01:25:03,412 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServer]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) CIDRs from
which account 'Acct[f014cf6a-71d4-11eb-8b92-0050569b9c1c-admin]' is allowed
to perform API calls:,::/0
2021-02-19 01:25:03,423 INFO  [o.a.c.s.d.l.S3ImageStoreLifeCycleImpl]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) Trying to add
a S3 store with endpoint: s3.example.com
2021-02-19 01:25:03,435 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet]
(qtp1165303897-22:ctx-3fca0f55) (logid:21439e18) ===START===
-- GET
2021-02-19 01:25:03,450 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServer]
(qtp1165303897-22:ctx-3fca0f55 ctx-4c2109d6) (logid:21439e18) CIDRs from
which account 'Acct[f014cf6a-71d4-11eb-8b92-0050569b9c1c-admin]' is allowed
to perform API calls:,::/0
2021-02-19 01:25:03,464 INFO
(qtp1165303897-22:ctx-3fca0f55 ctx-4c2109d6) (logid:21439e18) Trying to add
a new data store at nfs://scst01.cloud.local/storage to data center 1
2021-02-19 01:25:03,483 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet]
(qtp1165303897-22:ctx-3fca0f55 ctx-4c2109d6) (logid:21439e18) ===END=== -- GET
2021-02-19 01:25:03,514 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateDataFactoryImpl]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) template 8 is
already in store:22, type:Image
2021-02-19 01:25:03,523 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.i.BaseImageStoreDriverImpl]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) Downloading
template to data store 22
2021-02-19 01:25:03,545 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.i.BaseImageStoreDriverImpl]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) Performing
image store createTemplate async callback
2021-02-19 01:25:03,589 INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.d.TemplateDataStoreDaoImpl]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) Duplicate 0
template cache store records to region store
2021-02-19 01:25:03,593 INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.d.SnapshotDataStoreDaoImpl]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) Duplicate 0
snapshot cache store records to region store
2021-02-19 01:25:03,601 INFO  [o.a.c.s.i.d.VolumeDataStoreDaoImpl]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) Duplicate 0
volume cache store records to region store
2021-02-19 01:25:03,607 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet]
(qtp1165303897-18:ctx-16d3f513 ctx-a2aaa2fe) (logid:943c72e7) ===END=== -- GET
2021-02-19 01:25:22,746 DEBUG [c.c.c.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl]
(consoleproxy-1:ctx-a0d7a7bf) (logid:18edf562) System vm template is not
ready at data center 1, wait until it is ready to launch console proxy vm
2021-02-19 01:25:22,746 DEBUG [c.c.c.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl]
(consoleproxy-1:ctx-a0d7a7bf) (logid:18edf562) Zone 1 is not ready to
launch console proxy yet
2021-02-19 01:25:22,994 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
(secstorage-1:ctx-f16b34fc) (logid:cd9caf82) System vm template is not
ready at data center 1, wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage
2021-02-19 01:25:22,994 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
(secstorage-1:ctx-f16b34fc) (logid:cd9caf82) Zone 1 is not ready to launch
secondary storage VM yet
2021-02-19 01:25:33,071 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl]
(RouterStatusMonitor-1:ctx-c9bc2b66) (logid:be12bbeb) Found 0 routers to
update status.
2021-02-19 01:25:33,073 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl]
(RouterStatusMonitor-1:ctx-c9bc2b66) (logid:be12bbeb) Found 0 VPC's to
update Redundant State.
2021-02-19 01:25:33,075 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl]
(RouterStatusMonitor-1:ctx-c9bc2b66) (logid:be12bbeb) Found 0 networks to
update RvR status.
2021-02-19 01:25:33,546 DEBUG [c.c.s.d.DownloadListener]
(Timer-6:ctx-e2a01191) (logid:a7da0124) Scheduling timeout at 30000 ms,
TEMPLATE: 8 at host 0
2021-02-19 01:25:33,553 DEBUG [c.c.s.d.DownloadListener]
(Timer-6:ctx-e2a01191) (logid:a7da0124) NOT_DOWNLOADED first timeout:
checking again , TEMPLATE: 8 at host 0
2021-02-19 01:25:52,742 DEBUG [c.c.c.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl]
(consoleproxy-1:ctx-dc7b5ccc) (logid:e6bcf824) System vm template is not
ready at data center 1, wait until it is ready to launch console proxy vm
2021-02-19 01:25:52,742 DEBUG [c.c.c.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl]
(consoleproxy-1:ctx-dc7b5ccc) (logid:e6bcf824) Zone 1 is not ready to
launch console proxy yet
2021-02-19 01:25:52,993 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
(secstorage-1:ctx-5df03173) (logid:66f517c5) System vm template is not
ready at data center 1, wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage
2021-02-19 01:25:52,993 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl]
(secstorage-1:ctx-5df03173) (logid:66f517c5) Zone 1 is not ready to launch
secondary storage VM yet
2021-02-19 01:26:03,070 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl]
(RouterStatusMonitor-1:ctx-a1d56fa8) (logid:e1875feb) Found 0 routers to
update status.
2021-02-19 01:26:03,072 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl]
(RouterStatusMonitor-1:ctx-a1d56fa8) (logid:e1875feb) Found 0 VPC's to
update Redundant State.
2021-02-19 01:26:03,074 DEBUG [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl]
(RouterStatusMonitor-1:ctx-a1d56fa8) (logid:e1875feb) Found 0 networks to
update RvR status.
2021-02-19 01:26:03,547 DEBUG [c.c.s.d.DownloadListener]
(Timer-6:ctx-b90910ce) (logid:316adaf4) timeout: transitioning to download
error state, currstate=NOT_DOWNLOADED, TEMPLATE: 8 at host 0
2021-02-19 01:26:03,547 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.i.BaseImageStoreDriverImpl]
(Timer-6:ctx-b90910ce) (logid:316adaf4) Performing image store
createTemplate async callback
2021-02-19 01:26:03,570 WARN  [c.c.a.AlertManagerImpl]
(Timer-6:ctx-b90910ce) (logid:316adaf4) AlertType:: 28 | dataCenterId:: 1 |
podId:: null | clusterId:: null | message:: Failed to register template:
d34dd2fc-9a02-40aa-9726-70f1d9b70532 with error: Timeout waiting for
response from storage host
2021-02-19 01:26:03,577 ERROR [o.a.c.s.i.BaseImageStoreDriverImpl]
(Timer-6:ctx-b90910ce) (logid:316adaf4) Failed to register template:
d34dd2fc-9a02-40aa-9726-70f1d9b70532 with error: Timeout waiting for
response from storage host
2021-02-19 01:26:03,578 WARN  [c.c.s.d.DownloadListener]
(Timer-6:ctx-b90910ce) (logid:316adaf4) Entering download error state:
timeout waiting for response from storage host, TEMPLATE: 8 at host 0

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