
I think that we might have a bug on snapshot backed up on secondary. I have
checked my tests and the image on secondary storage is not deleted as well;
it has been passed more than enough time for CloudStack cleanup sec storage
One question. Was it working before upgrading to 4.15? Which was the
version that you were using before the upgrade?

Maybe this issue is a good one to be reported via GitHub so we can have
more developers looking at and keeping track of it.
To open an issue you can go to https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/issues.


Em sex., 5 de mar. de 2021 às 13:00, Edward St Pierre <
edward.stpie...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> Hi,
> Thanks for that information and pointers on where to look, I have checked
> it out and the data was also on the secondary storage and the storage VM is
> mounting the NFS servers etc.  (I have redeployed it just incase)
> I have gone through some of the older snapshots that are not getting
> removed, and they do have that reference in the Ready Status:
> MariaDB [cloud]> select
> id,store_id,snapshot_id,state,store_role,install_path from
> snapshot_store_ref where install_path like
> '%8c8fbbde-7d5b-4d25-a6ac-dd5ddedf7e07';
> +------+----------+-------------+-----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | id   | store_id | snapshot_id | state     | store_role | install_path
>                                                                         |
> +------+----------+-------------+-----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | 1554 |        7 |         852 | Destroyed | Primary    |
> cloudstack2019/79625868-979a-4ed5-9f8d-2af6f612824c/8c8fbbde-7d5b-4d25-a6ac-dd5ddedf7e07
> |
> | 1555 |        1 |         852 | Ready     | Image      |
> snapshots/2/146/8c8fbbde-7d5b-4d25-a6ac-dd5ddedf7e07
>               |
> +------+----------+-------------+-----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> MariaDB [cloud]> select * from snapshots where id=852;
> +-----+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------
> -+------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------+-------+----------+----------+----------
>                  -----+
> | id  | data_center_id | account_id | domain_id | volume_id |
> disk_offering_id | status    | path | name
>  | uuid                                 | snapshot_type                   |
> type_description | size         | created             | removed |
> backup_snap_id | swift_id | sechost_id | prev_snap_id | hypervisor_type |
> version | s3_id | min_iops | max_iops | location_                  type |
> +-----+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------
> -+------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------+-------+----------+----------+----------
>                  -----+
> | 852 |              1 |          2 |         1 |       146 |
>  6 | Destroyed | NULL | vxtr-ln1-box01_DATA-86_20210226010342 |
> 10ece2f5-39cf-4afe-9894-48c7c47e1463 |             4                   |
> DAILY            | 214748364800 | 2021-02-26 01:03:42 | NULL    | NULL
>       |     NULL |       NULL |         NULL | KVM             | 2.2     |
>  NULL |     NULL |     NULL | NULL                            |
> +-----+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------+-----------+------+---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------
> -+------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------+-------+----------+----------+----------
>                  -----+
> I also cannot see any errors when it is created:
> 2021-02-26 01:03:42,019 DEBUG [c.c.s.s.SnapshotSchedulerImpl]
> (SnapshotPollTask:ctx-69729307) (logid:3b2789b3) Got 1 snapshots to be
> executed at 2021-02-26 01:03:42 GMT
> 2021-02-26 01:03:42,023 DEBUG [c.c.s.s.SnapshotSchedulerImpl]
> (SnapshotPollTask:ctx-69729307) (logid:3b2789b3) Scheduling 1 snapshot for
> volume id 146 (volume name:DATA-86) for schedule id: 7 at 2021-02-26
> 01:00:00 GMT
> 2021-02-26 01:03:42,064 DEBUG [c.c.r.ResourceLimitManagerImpl]
> (SnapshotPollTask:ctx-69729307) (logid:3b2789b3) Updating resource Type =
> snapshot count for Account = 2 Operation = increasing Amount = 1
> 2021-02-26 01:03:42,083 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (SnapshotPollTask:ctx-69729307) (logid:3b2789b3) submit async job-6123,
> details: AsyncJobVO {id:6123, userId: 1, accountId: 2, instanceType:
> Snapshot, instanceId: 852, cmd:
> org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.snapshot.CreateSnapshotCmd, cmdInfo:
> {"policyid":"7","ctxUserId":"1","volumeid":"146","ctxStartEventId":"1","id":"852","ctxAccountId":"2"},
> cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0,
> result: null, initMsid: 345050527765, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated:
> null, lastPolled: null, created: null, removed: null}
> 2021-02-26 01:03:42,088 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (API-Job-Executor-10:ctx-c366f638 job-6123) (logid:7c83430b) Executing
> AsyncJobVO {id:6123, userId: 1, accountId: 2, instanceType: Snapshot,
> instanceId: 852, cmd:
> org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.snapshot.CreateSnapshotCmd, cmdInfo:
> {"policyid":"7","ctxUserId":"1","volumeid":"146","ctxStartEventId":"1","id":"852","ctxAccountId":"2"},
> cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0,
> result: null, initMsid: 345050527765, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated:
> null, lastPolled: null, created: null, removed: null}
> 2021-02-26 01:03:43,284 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
> (Work-Job-Executor-17:ctx-efb43f2f job-6123/job-6124 ctx-bd5f01a2)
> (logid:7c83430b) Execute VM work job:
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkTakeVolumeSnapshot{"volumeId":146,"policyId":7,"snapshotId":852,"quiesceVm":false,"asyncBackup":false,"userId":1,"accountId":2,"vmId":86,"handlerName":"VolumeApiServiceImpl"}
> 2021-02-26 01:03:45,111 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> (Work-Job-Executor-17:ctx-efb43f2f job-6123/job-6124 ctx-bd5f01a2)
> (logid:7c83430b) Seq 10-5259641414815547085: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId:
> 345050527765, via: 10(chst01.vxtream.com), Ver: v1, Flags: 100011,
> [{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.CopyCommand":{"srcTO":{"org.apache.
> cloudstack.storage.to
> .SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"cloudstack2019/79625868-979a-4ed5-9f8d-2af6f612824c/8c8fbbde-7d5b-4d25-a6ac-dd5ddedf7e07","volume":{"uuid":"79625868-979a-4ed5-9f8d-2af6f612824c","volumeType":"DATADISK","dataStore":{"org.
> apache.cloudstack.storage.to
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"name":"DATA-86","size":"(200.00
> GB)
> 214748364800","path":"79625868-979a-4ed5-9f8d-2af6f612824c","volumeId":"146","vmName":"i-2-86-VM","accountId":"2","format":"QCOW2","provisioningType":"THIN","id":"146","deviceId":"1","hypervisorType":"KVM","directDownload":"false","deployAsIs":"false"},"dataStore":{"org.apache.
> cloudstack.storage.to
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"vmName":"i-2-86-VM","name":"vxtr-ln1-box01_DATA-86_20210226010342","hypervisorType":"KVM","id":"852","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"0"}},"destTO":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"snapshots/2/146","volume":{"uuid":"79625868-979a-4ed5-9f8d-2af6f612824c","volumeType":"DATADISK","dataStore":{"org.apache.
> cloudstack.storage.to
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"name":"DATA-86","size":"(200.00
> GB)
> 214748364800","path":"79625868-979a-4ed5-9f8d-2af6f612824c","volumeId":"146","vmName":"i-2-86-VM","accountId":"2","format":"QCOW2","provisioningType":"THIN","id":"146","deviceId":"1","hypervisorType":"KVM","directDownload":"false","deployAsIs":"false"},"dataStore":{"com.cloud.agent.api.to.NfsTO":{"_url":"nfs://
> ","_role":"Image"}},"vmName":"i-2-86-VM","name":"vxtr-ln1-box01_DATA-86_20210226010342","hypervisorType":"KVM","id":"852","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"0"}},"executeInSequence":"false","options":{"fullSnapshot":"true"},"options2":{},"wait":"21600"}}]
> }
> 2021-02-26 01:22:17,334 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> (AgentManager-Handler-7:null) (logid:) Seq 10-5259641414815547085:
> Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345050527765, via: 10, Ver: v1, Flags: 10,
> [{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.CopyCmdAnswer":{"newData":{"org.apache.
> cloudstack.storage.to
> .SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"snapshots/2/146/8c8fbbde-7d5b-4d25-a6ac-dd5ddedf7e07","id":"0","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"112297967616"}},"result":"true","wait":"0"}}]
> }
> 2021-02-26 01:22:17,355 DEBUG [c.c.s.s.SnapshotManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-17:ctx-efb43f2f job-6123/job-6124 ctx-bd5f01a2)
> (logid:7c83430b) Max snaps: 3 exceeded for snapshot policy with Id: 7.
> Deleting oldest snapshot: 849
> 2021-02-26 01:22:18,473 DEBUG [c.c.r.ResourceLimitManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-17:ctx-efb43f2f job-6123/job-6124 ctx-bd5f01a2)
> (logid:7c83430b) Updating resource Type = snapshot count for Account = 2
> Operation = decreasing Amount = 1
> 2021-02-26 01:22:18,499 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
> (Work-Job-Executor-17:ctx-efb43f2f job-6123/job-6124 ctx-bd5f01a2)
> (logid:7c83430b) Done executing VM work job:
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkTakeVolumeSnapshot{"volumeId":146,"policyId":7,"snapshotId":852,"quiesceVm":false,"asyncBackup":false,"userId":1,"accountId":2,"vmId":86,"handlerName":"VolumeApiServiceImpl"}
> 2021-02-26 01:22:18,565 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (API-Job-Executor-10:ctx-c366f638 job-6123 ctx-1be547c7) (logid:7c83430b)
> Complete async job-6123, jobStatus: SUCCEEDED, resultCode: 0, result:
> org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.SnapshotResponse/snapshot/{"id":"10ece2f5-39cf-4afe-9894-48c7c47e1463","account":"admin","domainid":"1e48287f-ee6a-11e9-8f54-0050569d3815","domain":"ROOT","snapshottype":"DAILY","volumeid":"79625868-979a-4ed5-9f8d-2af6f612824c","volumename":"DATA-86","volumetype":"DATADISK","created":"2021-02-26T01:03:42+0000","name":"vxtr-ln1-box01_DATA-86_20210226010342","intervaltype":"DAILY","state":"BackedUp","physicalsize":"112297967616","zoneid":"9000b853-f5e0-4451-ad49-64dfae95db84","revertable":"true","virtualsize":"214748364800","tags":[]}
> 2021-02-26 01:22:18,592 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> (API-Job-Executor-10:ctx-c366f638 job-6123) (logid:7c83430b) Done executing
> org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.snapshot.CreateSnapshotCmd for
> job-6123
> This log indicates when it is set to be removed:
> 2021-03-01 01:22:13,750 DEBUG [c.c.s.s.SnapshotManagerImpl]
> (Work-Job-Executor-20:ctx-df45986f job-6129/job-6130 ctx-a889fd20)
> (logid:503cabb8) Max snaps: 3 exceeded for snapshot policy with Id: 7.
> Deleting olest snapshot: 852
> 2021-03-01 01:22:13,797 DEBUG [c.c.h.o.r.Ovm3HypervisorGuru]
> (Work-Job-Executor-20:ctx-df45986f job-6129/job-6130 ctx-a889fd20)
> (logid:503cabb8) getCommandHostDelegation: class
> org.apache.cloudstack.storage.comand.DeleteCommand
> Any indication on what I should look for in the logs for regarding the
> 'secondary storage "garbage" should be cleaned up'?
> Many thanks for your help.
> Ed
> On Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 15:12, Gabriel Bräscher <gabrasc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Before seeing the last reply I had just tested on CloudStack 4.15 + Ceph
> +
> > KVM, and it worked fine; however, I did the test with one snapshot of the
> > volume.
> > Maybe the scheduled/incremental snapshotting adds a different variable to
> > the equation.
> >
> > From my tests, the DB holds one reference as Ready on the secondary
> > storage, and one as Destroyed (on primary storage). I think that it is
> the
> > expected behavior and the secondary storage "garbage" should be cleaned
> up
> > on a window of 24-48 hours (by default, as the cleanup thread runs each
> 24
> > hours and it checks for a timestamp of 24 hours as well, on the worst
> case
> > it can take up to 48 hours, on the best 24 hours).
> >
> > I find it quite weird the fact that it has been thrown a null pointer
> > before; as if the volume has been deleted and the Snapshot already
> exists.
> >
> > Your log presents the following ERROR:
> > 2021-03-05 10:03:44,757 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.m.AncientDataMotionStrategy]
> > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > (logid:fc7d7320) copyAsync inspecting src type SNAPSHOT copyAsync
> > inspecting dest type SNAPSHOT
> > 2021-03-05 10:03:44,888 ERROR [o.a.c.s.e.DefaultEndPointSelector]
> > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > (logid:fc7d7320) IR24 select BACKUPSNAPSHOT from primary to secondary 861
> > dest=861
> >
> > It indicates an issue when copying the snapshot from primary to secondary
> > storage; I would look closely at the secondary storage pool and check the
> > SSVM (secondary storage system VM).
> >
> > For reference,here follows an example from the deleted backed-up snapshot
> > from my test:
> >
> > > select id,store_id,snapshot_id,state,store_role,install_path from
> > snapshot_store_ref where snapshot_id=759;
> >
> >
> +-----+----------+-------------+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > | id  | store_id | snapshot_id | state     | store_role | install_path
> >                                                                  |
> >
> >
> +-----+----------+-------------+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> > | 838 |       21 |         759 | Destroyed | Primary    |
> >
> >
> rbd/8e918c48-f32a-4c4e-81b2-0ba374d705dc/b41ba753-afad-42b5-849f-839736cb3a77
> > |
> > | 839 |        1 |         759 | Ready     | Image      |
> > snapshots/6/12872/b41ba753-afad-42b5-849f-839736cb3a77
> >                        |
> >
> >
> +-----+----------+-------------+-----------+------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Em sex., 5 de mar. de 2021 às 07:59, Edward St Pierre <
> > edward.stpie...@gmail.com> escreveu:
> >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > The issue happens multiple snapshots,  I have run a test with
> > > scheduled hourly volume snapshots for a test,  here are the logs:
> > >
> > > 2021-03-05 10:03:43,277 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Execute VM work job:
> > >
> > >
> >
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkTakeVolumeSnapshot{"volumeId":225,"policyId":8,"snapshotId":861,"quiesceVm":false,"asyncBackup":false,"userId":1,"accountId":9,"vmId":156,"handlerName":"VolumeApiServiceImpl"}
> > > 2021-03-05 10:03:43,342 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Seq 6-5629781009189976396: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId:
> > > 345050527765, via: 6(vxtr-ln1-chst02.vxtream.com), Ver: v1, Flags:
> > 100011,
> > >
> > >
> >
> [{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.CreateObjectCommand":{"data":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.SnapshotObjectTO":{"volume":{"uuid":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeType":"ROOT","dataStore":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"name":"ROOT-156","size":"(100.00
> > > GB)
> > >
> > >
> >
> 107374182400","path":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeId":"225","vmName":"i-9-156-VM","accountId":"9","format":"QCOW2","provisioningType":"THIN","id":"225","deviceId":"0","hypervisorType":"KVM","directDownload":"false","deployAsIs":"false"},"dataStore":{"org.apache.
> > > cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"vmName":"i-9-156-VM","name":"ESP-LN1-VOIP01_ROOT-156_20210305100342","hypervisorType":"KVM","id":"861","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"0"}},"wait":"0"}}]
> > > }
> > > 2021-03-05 10:03:44,670 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> > > (AgentManager-Handler-9:null) (logid:) Seq 6-5629781009189976396:
> > > Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345050527765, via: 6, Ver: v1, Flags: 10,
> > >
> > >
> >
> [{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.CreateObjectAnswer":{"data":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"cloudstack2019/3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58/a00ba130-19f0-454c-9b74-55f95a64bfb5","id":"0","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"0"}},"result":"true","wait":"0"}}]
> > > }
> > > 2021-03-05 10:03:44,757 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.m.AncientDataMotionStrategy]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) copyAsync inspecting src type SNAPSHOT copyAsync
> > > inspecting dest type SNAPSHOT
> > > 2021-03-05 10:03:44,888 ERROR [o.a.c.s.e.DefaultEndPointSelector]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) IR24 select BACKUPSNAPSHOT from primary to secondary
> 861
> > > dest=861
> > > 2021-03-05 10:03:44,898 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Seq 6-5629781009189976397: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId:
> > > 345050527765, via: 6(vxtr-ln1-chst02.vxtream.com), Ver: v1, Flags:
> > 100011,
> > >
> > >
> >
> [{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.CopyCommand":{"srcTO":{"org.apache.
> > > cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"cloudstack2019/3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58/a00ba130-19f0-454c-9b74-55f95a64bfb5","volume":{"uuid":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeType":"ROOT","dataStore":{"org.
> > > apache.cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"name":"ROOT-156","size":"(100.00
> > > GB)
> > >
> > >
> >
> 107374182400","path":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeId":"225","vmName":"i-9-156-VM","accountId":"9","format":"QCOW2","provisioningType":"THIN","id":"225","deviceId":"0","hypervisorType":"KVM","directDownload":"false","deployAsIs":"false"},"dataStore":{"org.apache.
> > > cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"vmName":"i-9-156-VM","name":"ESP-LN1-VOIP01_ROOT-156_20210305100342","hypervisorType":"KVM","id":"861","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"0"}},"destTO":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"snapshots/9/225","volume":{"uuid":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeType":"ROOT","dataStore":{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.to.PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"name":"ROOT-156","size":"(100.00
> > > GB)
> > >
> > >
> >
> 107374182400","path":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeId":"225","vmName":"i-9-156-VM","accountId":"9","format":"QCOW2","provisioningType":"THIN","id":"225","deviceId":"0","hypervisorType":"KVM","directDownload":"false","deployAsIs":"false"},"dataStore":{"com.cloud.agent.api.to.NfsTO":{"_url":"nfs://
> > >
> > >
> >
> ","_role":"Image"}},"vmName":"i-9-156-VM","name":"ESP-LN1-VOIP01_ROOT-156_20210305100342","hypervisorType":"KVM","id":"861","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"0"}},"executeInSequence":"false","options":{"fullSnapshot":"true"},"options2":{},"wait":"21600"}}]
> > > }
> > > 2021-03-05 10:08:42,314 DEBUG [c.c.s.s.SnapshotSchedulerImpl]
> > > (SnapshotPollTask:ctx-357a9dcc) (logid:7175331e) Snapshot
> scheduler.poll
> > is
> > > being called at 2021-03-05 10:08:42 GMT
> > > 2021-03-05 10:08:42,315 DEBUG [c.c.s.s.SnapshotSchedulerImpl]
> > > (SnapshotPollTask:ctx-357a9dcc) (logid:7175331e) Got 0 snapshots to be
> > > executed at 2021-03-05 10:08:42 GMT
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:24,952 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> > > (AgentManager-Handler-2:null) (logid:) Seq 6-5629781009189976397:
> > > Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345050527765, via: 6, Ver: v1, Flags: 10,
> > >
> > >
> >
> [{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.CopyCmdAnswer":{"newData":{"org.apache.
> > > cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"snapshots/9/225/a00ba130-19f0-454c-9b74-55f95a64bfb5","id":"0","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"16888233984"}},"result":"true","wait":"0"}}]
> > > }
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:24,976 DEBUG [c.c.s.s.SnapshotManagerImpl]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Max snaps: 1 exceeded for snapshot policy with Id: 8.
> > > Deleting oldest snapshot: 860
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:24,978 DEBUG [c.c.u.AccountManagerImpl]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Access to
> > > com.cloud.storage.SnapshotVO$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$43460565@642f5e4f
> granted
> > > to
> > > Acct[2ad78538-d6d9-4f24-967a-90701ff3a35f-edward] by DomainChecker
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,037 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Seq 16-5311714285507142014: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId:
> > > 345050527765, via: 16(vxtr-ln1-chst03.vxtream.com), Ver: v1, Flags:
> > > 100011,
> > >
> > >
> >
> [{"org.apache.cloudstack.storage.command.DeleteCommand":{"data":{"org.apache.
> > > cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .SnapshotObjectTO":{"path":"cloudstack2019/3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58/b8e3403e-7b6c-4bee-8b27-5ad9843353cd","volume":{"uuid":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeType":"ROOT","dataStore":{"org.
> > > apache.cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"name":"ROOT-156","size":"(100.00
> > > GB)
> > >
> > >
> >
> 107374182400","path":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumeId":"225","vmName":"i-9-156-VM","accountId":"9","format":"QCOW2","provisioningType":"THIN","id":"225","deviceId":"0","hypervisorType":"KVM","directDownload":"false","deployAsIs":"false"},"dataStore":{"org.apache.
> > > cloudstack.storage.to
> > >
> >
> .PrimaryDataStoreTO":{"uuid":"658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","id":"7","poolType":"RBD","host":"ceph-mon.cloudstack","path":"cloudstack2019","port":"6789","url":"RBD://ceph-mon.cloudstack/cloudstack2019/?ROLE=Primary&STOREUUID=658c4937-b7bc-3aa7-a0d3-aa144224dd52","isManaged":"false"}},"vmName":"i-9-156-VM","name":"ESP-LN1-VOIP01_ROOT-156_20210305090342","hypervisorType":"KVM","id":"860","quiescevm":"false","physicalSize":"0"}},"wait":"0"}}]
> > > }
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,574 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
> > > (AgentManager-Handler-9:null) (logid:) Seq 16-5311714285507142014:
> > > Processing:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345050527765, via: 16, Ver: v1, Flags:
> 10,
> > > [{"com.cloud.agent.api.Answer":{"result":"true","details":"Snapshot
> > >
> 3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58@b8e3403e-7b6c-4bee-8b27-5ad9843353cd
> > > removed successfully.","wait":"0"}}] }
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,588 DEBUG [c.c.r.ResourceLimitManagerImpl]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Updating resource Type = snapshot count for Account =
> 9
> > > Operation = decreasing Amount = 1
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,620 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142 ctx-43a8373c)
> > > (logid:fc7d7320) Done executing VM work job:
> > >
> > >
> >
> com.cloud.vm.VmWorkTakeVolumeSnapshot{"volumeId":225,"policyId":8,"snapshotId":861,"quiesceVm":false,"asyncBackup":false,"userId":1,"accountId":9,"vmId":156,"handlerName":"VolumeApiServiceImpl"}
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,628 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142) (logid:fc7d7320)
> > Done
> > > with run of VM work job: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkTakeVolumeSnapshot for VM
> > 156,
> > > job origin: 6141
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,628 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> > > (Work-Job-Executor-26:ctx-65993d1d job-6141/job-6142) (logid:fc7d7320)
> > Done
> > > executing com.cloud.vm.VmWorkTakeVolumeSnapshot for job-6142
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,666 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> > > (API-Job-Executor-19:ctx-3956f4cc job-6141 ctx-d69f2a1d)
> (logid:fc7d7320)
> > > Complete async job-6141, jobStatus: SUCCEEDED, resultCode: 0, result:
> > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.SnapshotResponse/snapshot/{"id":"076c3f3e-4875-419d-beed-398e6d938f41","account":"edward","domainid":"76fcd53c-c1bc-47cf-946c-336c30a53ca1","domain":"ESP","snapshottype":"HOURLY","volumeid":"3c6bbe64-e924-4c94-a0eb-4b18e5786d58","volumename":"ROOT-156","volumetype":"ROOT","created":"2021-03-05T10:03:42+0000","name":"ESP-LN1-VOIP01_ROOT-156_20210305100342","intervaltype":"HOURLY","state":"BackedUp","physicalsize":"16888233984","zoneid":"9000b853-f5e0-4451-ad49-64dfae95db84","revertable":"true","ostypeid":"2cd2aa56-ee6a-11e9-8f54-0050569d3815","osdisplayname":"CentOS
> > > 7","virtualsize":"107374182400","tags":[]}
> > > 2021-03-05 10:09:25,670 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
> > > (API-Job-Executor-19:ctx-3956f4cc job-6141) (logid:fc7d7320) Done
> > executing
> > > org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.snapshot.CreateSnapshotCmd for
> > > job-6141
> > >
> > > Here are the actual snapshots on secondary storage:
> > >
> > > -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 16888233984 Mar  5 10:09
> > > a00ba130-19f0-454c-9b74-55f95a64bfb5
> > > -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 16888233984 Mar  5 09:09
> > > b8e3403e-7b6c-4bee-8b27-5ad9843353cd
> > >
> > > Here are the entries in the DB relating to the snapshots:
> > >
> > > select * from snapshots order by created desc limit 2;
> > >
> > >
> >
> +-----+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------+-----------+------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+---------------+------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------+-------+----------+----------+---------------+
> > > | id  | data_center_id | account_id | domain_id | volume_id |
> > > disk_offering_id | status    | path | name
> > >   | uuid                                 | snapshot_type |
> > type_description
> > > | size         | created             | removed | backup_snap_id |
> > swift_id
> > > | sechost_id | prev_snap_id | hypervisor_type | version | s3_id |
> > min_iops
> > > | max_iops | location_type |
> > >
> > >
> >
> +-----+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------+-----------+------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+---------------+------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------+-------+----------+----------+---------------+
> > > | 861 |              1 |          9 |         6 |       225 |
> > >  5 | BackedUp  | NULL | ESP-LN1-VOIP01_ROOT-156_20210305100342 |
> > > 076c3f3e-4875-419d-beed-398e6d938f41 |             3 | HOURLY
>  |
> > > 107374182400 | 2021-03-05 10:03:42 | NULL    | NULL           |
> > |
> > >       NULL |         NULL | KVM             | 2.2     |  NULL |
> > |
> > >     NULL | NULL          |
> > > | 860 |              1 |          9 |         6 |       225 |
> > >  5 | Destroyed | NULL | ESP-LN1-VOIP01_ROOT-156_20210305090342 |
> > > 2998a50e-7282-45c5-bab6-8231e6343783 |             3 | HOURLY
>  |
> > > 107374182400 | 2021-03-05 09:03:42 | NULL    | NULL           |
> > |
> > >       NULL |         NULL | KVM             | 2.2     |  NULL |
> > |
> > >     NULL | NULL          |
> > >
> > >
> >
> +-----+----------------+------------+-----------+-----------+------------------+-----------+------+----------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+---------------+------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+----------+------------+--------------+-----------------+---------+-------+----------+----------+---------------+
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Ed
> > >
> > > On Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 02:20, Gabriel Bräscher <gabrasc...@gmail.com>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > There was an open issue indeed but a PR solved it for 4.15. The issue
> > > > reported on this email looks a bit different than the ones I have
> seen.
> > > >
> > > > Background on a recent issue:
> > > > - Issue #4498 "RBD Snapshot fails when snapshot.backup.to.secondary:
> > > true"
> > > > has been fixed by PR #4568 "kvm: Fix double-escape issue while
> creating
> > > rbd
> > > > disk options"
> > > >
> > > > Reading the log:
> > > > - In order for such a null pointer to happen the volume from the
> > snapshot
> > > > has been deleted on DB. Thus, it is either a bug or an inconsistency
> on
> > > the
> > > > DB; e.g.: deleting the volume prior to its Snapshots.
> > > >
> > > > Is this occurrence an isolated one or does it happen with multiple
> > > > snapshots that have been deleted?
> > > >
> > > > #4498: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/issues/4498
> > > > #4568: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pull/4568
> > > >
> > > > Em qui., 4 de mar. de 2021 às 18:55, Rakesh v <
> > www.rakeshv....@gmail.com
> > > >
> > > > escreveu:
> > > >
> > > > > If I remember properly there is already an issue raised for it in
> > > github
> > > > >
> > > > > Sent from my iPhone
> > > > >
> > > > > > On Mar 4, 2021, at 9:48 PM, Andrija Panic <
> andrija.pa...@gmail.com
> > >
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > @Gabriel Beims Bräscher <gabrasc...@gmail.com> does this rings
> > any
> > > > > bells
> > > > > > for you? I haven't played with Ceph / snap clean-up issue on 4.15
> > > > myself.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Best,
> > > > > >
> > > > > >> On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 at 17:16, Edward St Pierre <
> > > > > edward.stpie...@gmail.com>
> > > > > >> wrote:
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> Hi All,
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> I Wonder if someone could help me.
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> Currently using ceph for primary storage and have
> > > > > >> 'snapshot.backup.to.secondary' enabled.
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> Since upgrading to 4.15 the volume snapshots do not seem to be
> > > getting
> > > > > >> deleted from the secondary storage.  Could this be a bug?
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> Also when logged in as the main admin account when navigating to
> > > > > 'Storage /
> > > > > >> Snapshots' an Error 500 is returned with the following error in
> > the
> > > > > logs:
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> 2021-03-02 16:11:01,018 ERROR [c.c.a.ApiServer]
> > > > > >> (qtp1762902523-19:ctx-60162a51 ctx-75a1b986) (logid:368908bb)
> > > > unhandled
> > > > > >> exception executing api command: [Ljava.lang.String;@7ac2d249
> > > > > >> java.lang.NullPointerException
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.storage.snapshot.StorageSystemSnapshotStrategy.canHandle(StorageSystemSnapshotStrategy.java:944)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.storage.helper.StorageStrategyFactoryImpl$3.canHandle(StorageStrategyFactoryImpl.java:72)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.storage.helper.StorageStrategyFactoryImpl$3.canHandle(StorageStrategyFactoryImpl.java:69)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.storage.helper.StorageStrategyFactoryImpl.bestMatch(StorageStrategyFactoryImpl.java:95)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.storage.helper.StorageStrategyFactoryImpl.getSnapshotStrategy(StorageStrategyFactoryImpl.java:69)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.storage.snapshot.SnapshotObject.isRevertable(SnapshotObject.java:153)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> com.cloud.api.ApiResponseHelper.createSnapshotResponse(ApiResponseHelper.java:569)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.snapshot.ListSnapshotsCmd.execute(ListSnapshotsCmd.java:117)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > com.cloud.api.ApiDispatcher.dispatch(ApiDispatcher.java:156)
> > > > > >>        at
> com.cloud.api.ApiServer.queueCommand(ApiServer.java:764)
> > > > > >>        at
> > com.cloud.api.ApiServer.handleRequest(ApiServer.java:588)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > com.cloud.api.ApiServlet.processRequestInContext(ApiServlet.java:321)
> > > > > >>        at com.cloud.api.ApiServlet$1.run(ApiServlet.java:134)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.impl.DefaultManagedContext$1.call(DefaultManagedContext.java:55)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.impl.DefaultManagedContext.callWithContext(DefaultManagedContext.java:102)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.impl.DefaultManagedContext.runWithContext(DefaultManagedContext.java:52)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > com.cloud.api.ApiServlet.processRequest(ApiServlet.java:131)
> > > > > >>        at com.cloud.api.ApiServlet.doGet(ApiServlet.java:93)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:645)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:750)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder$NotAsyncServlet.service(ServletHolder.java:1386)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:755)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(ServletHandler.java:547)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(ScopedHandler.java:143)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.security.SecurityHandler.handle(SecurityHandler.java:590)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:127)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(ScopedHandler.java:235)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(SessionHandler.java:1610)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(ScopedHandler.java:233)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(ContextHandler.java:1300)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(ScopedHandler.java:188)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > >
> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(ServletHandler.java:485)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope(SessionHandler.java:1580)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(ScopedHandler.java:186)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope(ContextHandler.java:1215)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(ScopedHandler.java:141)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.gzip.GzipHandler.handle(GzipHandler.java:767)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(HandlerCollection.java:146)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:127)
> > > > > >>        at
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(Server.java:500)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.lambda$handle$1(HttpChannel.java:383)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.dispatch(HttpChannel.java:547)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(HttpChannel.java:375)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(HttpConnection.java:273)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >> org.eclipse.jetty.io
> > > > > >>
> > > >
> .AbstractConnection$ReadCallback.succeeded(AbstractConnection.java:311)
> > > > > >>        at org.eclipse.jetty.io
> > > > > >> .FillInterest.fillable(FillInterest.java:103)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.io.ssl.SslConnection$DecryptedEndPoint.onFillable(SslConnection.java:543)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > >
> org.eclipse.jetty.io.ssl.SslConnection.onFillable(SslConnection.java:398)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.io.ssl.SslConnection$2.succeeded(SslConnection.java:161)
> > > > > >>        at org.eclipse.jetty.io
> > > > > >> .FillInterest.fillable(FillInterest.java:103)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >> org.eclipse.jetty.io
> > > .ChannelEndPoint$2.run(ChannelEndPoint.java:117)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.runTask(EatWhatYouKill.java:336)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce(EatWhatYouKill.java:313)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.tryProduce(EatWhatYouKill.java:171)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.run(EatWhatYouKill.java:129)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ReservedThreadExecutor$ReservedThread.run(ReservedThreadExecutor.java:375)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(QueuedThreadPool.java:806)
> > > > > >>        at
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$Runner.run(QueuedThreadPool.java:938)
> > > > > >>        at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Andrija Panić
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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