Hi all,

The following was working with 4.15.0.

Status quo: 4.15.1 SNAPSHOT, database new initialized. Configuration done with the same settings as 4.15.0

i am trying to add a user to the account admin. So i click on

Accounts -> admin -> View Users -> Add User

Popup Window opens fine.

- When i enter all required fields (username, password 2x, email, first and last name) and hit ok, i get the error, that the parameter "account" is missing.

- When i do like above and then click on the drop-down field Domain it is empty. Same for drop-down Account.

Means i cant create users to accounts which is absolutely needed for my application.


2021-06-01 15:31:27,334 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] (qtp1630678941-3995:ctx-cff2deda) (logid:0a4b2d51) ===START=== -- POST  command=createUser&response=json 2021-06-01 15:31:27,339 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServer] (qtp1630678941-3995:ctx-cff2deda ctx-f77a5abe) (logid:0a4b2d51) CIDRs from which account 'Acct[a7e89cef-c2ca-11eb-8de2-525400f5bc6b-admin]' is allowed to perform API calls:,::/0 2021-06-01 15:31:27,341 INFO  [c.c.a.ApiServer] (qtp1630678941-3995:ctx-cff2deda ctx-f77a5abe) (logid:0a4b2d51) Unable to execute API command createuser due to missing parameter account


2021-06-01 15:31:27,342 INFO  [a.c.c.a.ApiServer] (qtp1630678941-3995:ctx-cff2deda ctx-f77a5abe) (logid:0a4b2d51) (userId=2 accountId=2 sessionId=node0cacgcc2ki0zr1kjau5c1p59w511) -- POST command=createUser&response=json 431 Unable to execute API command createuser due to missing parameter account

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