Hi Pearl,

I just did a SSVM redeploy in the same environment, but different zone and
and I see the following differences :

"isManaged":"false"}},"name":"ROOT-2055","size":"(2.44 GB)"

Working zone - https://pastebin.com/raw/88N6Fg6z   

"isManaged":"false"}},"name":"ROOT-2055","size":"(2.44 GB)

 datastore-6588","managed":"false","storagePort":"0","volumeSize":"(2.44 GB)

021-09-24 05:22:23,959 INFO  [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-437:ctx-2f1519ba fra-de-001.test.host, job-25099/job-35371,
cmd: StartCommand) (logid:d442432d) Mapped disk datastore UUID is not the
same as the cloned VM datastore UUID: fra-de-001 -

Not working zone - https://pastebin.com/raw/Um2uHgWM  

"isManaged":"false"}},"name":"ROOT-2056","size":"(0 bytes)"    here is 0
 datastore-6694","managed":"false","storagePort":"0","volumeSize":"(0 bytes)
here is 0 bytes...

2021-09-24 05:00:55,594 INFO  [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-30:ctx-5e49d288 lnd-uk-002.test.host, job-25099/job-35365, cmd:
StartCommand) (logid:d442432d) Mapped disk size is not the same as the
cloned VM disk size: 0 - 2621440000    ( here I see this line, with disk
size 0 )

2021-09-24 05:00:55,594 INFO  [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-30:ctx-5e49d288 lnd-uk-002.test.host, job-25099/job-35365, cmd:
StartCommand) (logid:d442432d) Mapped disk datastore UUID is not the same as
the cloned VM datastore UUID: lnd-uk-002 - fb7b551a584e4b5192b8f371af56b303

I do not understand why I have here the size "0"


-----Original Message-----
From: Pearl d'Silva <pearl.dsi...@shapeblue.com> 
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 9:44 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Failed to authentication SSH user root on host - repetitive

By any chance, are there any old systemvm.isos in the secondary store, if
yes, can you please delete them. Based on the information you've provided,
it seems like, the key has been injected into systemvm.iso, but during boot
up, a script (cloud-early-config) that sets up the VM before bootstrapping /
patching isn't copying the auth key.
Can you try the steps mentioned under the VMWare section of the doc:
and see if it helps.
SystemVm.iso - Apache Cloudstack - Apache Software
Mechanism of propagating systemvm.iso. Systemvm.iso gets propagated
differently for different hypervisors. It comes packaged as part of the
Cloudstack rpm or is built on dev environments with the command "mvn clean
install -P developer,systemvm" (More info on building cloudstack) .Once the
iso is at the appropriate location depending on the hypervisor it is
inserted as a cd drive and the ...

From: cristian.c@istream.today <cristian.c@istream.today>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 11:45 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: RE: Failed to authentication SSH user root on host - repetitive

Hi Pearl,

      I already did a check via console into the secondary storage vm, I saw
that there are not keys in authorized_keys.

     If I try to inject, I see this : /bin/bash
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only New public key is
the same as the one in the systemvm.iso, not injecting it, not modifying

[root@cloud-emea systemvm]# cd /mnt/iso/ [root@cloud-emea iso]# ls agent.zip
authorized_keys  cloud-scripts.tgz [root@cloud-emea iso]# cat
authorized_keys ssh-rsa
cl...@cloud-emea.test.host[root@cloud-emea iso]#

is the same key as I have in : /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

(For security reason I have replaced characters from ssh pub key)

  I'm stuck here, I do not understand the logic.



-----Original Message-----
From: Pearl d'Silva <pearl.dsi...@shapeblue.com>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 8:05 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Failed to authentication SSH user root on host - repetitive

Hi Cristian,

The exception you are seeing is most likely to happen if the systemvm.iso
hasn't been injected with the Management server's key. One way to validate
it, would be to go to your secondary store - I presume you are working on a
VMware setup - mount the systemvm-4.15.2.iso and verify the authorized_keys
data with what's present on the MS at


From: cristian.c@istream.today <cristian.c@istream.today>
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 9:50 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: Failed to authentication SSH user root on host - repetitive error


      I was not able to fix this error "Failed to authentication SSH" and
looks like a bug for me, I will explain here why.

  My setup before adding new ZONE:

1.      Cloudstack 4.15.2 + VMware 6.5 with 1 Basic Network Zone.  ( This is
an old setup, it was upgraded frequently, I think from 4.2 )
2.      I add new VMware zone, but this one with Advanced Networking, I end
with this repetitive error and nothing else.
3.      I decide to add a new zone, the same as I have at (2) with Advanced
Networking, everything works perfect, no issue at systemvm deploy, routers,
4.      I delete the zone from point (2)
5.      I add again the same zone, end with the same error.

   I have tried multiple things, delete the template, add again, inject,
nothing works, I end with the same error, over and over, and I do not see
the why.

021-09-23 11:53:54,666 ERROR [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-228:ctx-083b9265 lnd-uk-002.test.host, job-35231/job-35263,
cmd: SetupKeyStoreCommand) (logid:df4131be) Command failed due to Exception:

Message: Failed to authentication SSH user root on host

2021-09-23 11:53:54,674 ERROR [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
(Work-Job-Executor-19:ctx-808054ab job-35231/job-35263 ctx-eb7c37bb)
(logid:df4131be) Retrying after catching exception while trying to secure
agent for systemvm id=2025

com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Unable to read/process CSR:
Command failed due to Exception: java.lang.Exception

Message: Failed to authentication SSH user root on host

  Here is the full log : https://pastebin.com/raw/fFfmquVB

  Maybe someone have a hint for me .



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