If you want to use 2 bond networks as you described, you can have 2 or
more, you can use the same NIC/bond for multiple "physical networks"


2XNICs - Bond1
2XNICs - Bond2

You can create 2 or more physical networks, if the traffic label you are
using in these networks is  "bond1 or bond2" .

You can have 2 "Physical networks" with the same network label but
different traffic type.  (Management, Guest, Public, Storage)


On Thu, Oct 21, 2021, 11:58 Дикевич Евгений Александрович <
evgeniy.dikev...@becloud.by> wrote:

> Hi all!
> Can someone explain me concept of Physical Networks?
> Now I have Xen hosts with 4 NICs. They are grouped in 2 bonds. On 1 bond I
> have Management, Guest and Public VLANs. On other - Storage VLANs.
> When I deploy ZONE should I create 2 Physical Networks? Or I can create 3
> (1?) network for example?
> I want to deploy Advanced Zone (without SG)
> I read article from ShapeBlue (
> https://www.shapeblue.com/understanding-cloudstacks-physical-networking-architecture/)
> but it doesn't help me:)
> Best regards, Evgeniy.
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