Not using posixGroup is a bug indeed, in my opinion, but the memberOf
attribute should still be used unless you configered something for that as

On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 6:42 PM Jorge Luiz Correa
<> wrote:

> Hi! In my tests I couldn't use posixGroups, even changing the
> configuration. The query is always in the format:
> (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=userone)(|(memberOf=cn=groupaccount1,ou=groups,dc=domain)))
> Looking for the memberOf attribute in the user entity is the problem. I'm
> using inetOrgPerson and no memberOf attribute exists. The only way I found
> to make this configuration work was to enable the RFC2307bis schema
> (replacing NIS schema), so my groups could be made of type posixGroup AND
> groupOfNames. This RFC permits that groups can be of these two types. Then,
> I had to enable the LDAP "overlay module" with member: attribute to keep
> referential integrity between groups and users. Groups now have the member:
> attribute synchronized with users memberOf: attribute.
> With these changes my LDAP server can answer queries with memberOf=
> filters.
> To Cloustack work with posixGroups I think the code should  make different
> queries when the administrator configures posixGroup,
> not using memberOf.
> Thank you!
> :)
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