When we have an account UserA with a user UserA inside it, we can see and
control usage limits configuring the UserA "account".

I'm testing the link accounttoldap feature.

cmk -p ad...@www.hpc link accounttoldap account='DomainAdmins'
accounttype=2 ldapdomain='cn=cs_hpc_domain_admins,ou=grupos,...' type=GROUP
cmk -p ad...@www.hpc link accounttoldap account='Users' accounttype=0
ldapdomain='cn=cs_hpc_users,ou=grupos,...' type=GROUP domainid=$DOMAINUD

So, I got two accounts: DomainAdmins and Users. Each user in
cs_hpc_domain_admins LDAP group is created as a user inside DomainAdmins
account and each user in cs_hpc_users is created as a user inside Users

Both DomainAdmins and Users accounts have resource limits configured (like
UserA).  But, when users create virtual machines these limits don't change!
I can't define limits to users inside accounts, only to accounts. So, I
couldn't find a way to limit usage when accounts are linked to LDAP groups.

I was hoping that all the resources created by all the users inside the
account would be discounted from the limits of the account. But the account
total usage never changes.

Am I doing something wrong or this is a bug?



Jorge Luiz Corrêa
Embrapa Agricultura Digital

echo "CkpvcmdlIEx1aXogQ29ycmVhCkFu
JyCgo="|base64 -d

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