
I added a new zone to an ACS 4.16.1 with its own NFS server.

All is green in the UI, but the secondary storage vm is not starting.

I see nfs errors in the logs, and I suspect the error is related to the 
SystemVM not been in the new zone secondary storage:

com.cloud.exception.StorageUnavailableException: Resource [StoragePool:6] is 
unreachable: Unable to create 
org.libvirt.LibvirtException: internal error: Child process (/bin/mount
dary/template/tmpl/1/209 /mnt/e6706577-0d39-356c-a016-757d32dd4cfa) unexpected 
exit status 32: mount.nfs: Operation not permitted

I have checked nfs connectivity between hosts and server in new zone and it 

I wonder how does the SystemVM get there, in the first place. Because when 
Installing ACS, or for the first zone, there was an specific step.

​What could be going wrong?


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